Recent content by biw

  1. B

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Any chance to see'>Vala added to the PND?
  2. B

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    Tried it again to check the messages. This time it worked fine without a problem. Weird, but good.
  3. B

    Code::Blocks with C/C++ Compiler

    I have a problem generating makefiles using cmake on the command line. Apparently cmake fails to use the compiler correctly: -- The C compiler identification is unknown -- Check for working C compiler: /mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/bin/cc -- Check for working C compiler...
  4. B

    Pandora erhalten? -> Bestellnummer hier eintragen!

    <i> </i>Bestellnummer: 5472 Bestelldatum: 16.07.2010 Versanddatum: 31.01.2013 Zustelldatum: 02.02.2013 Anzahl-Pandoras: 1