Oh my friend, the emulators are in the works, I am sure. :D Just give the coders time, things are not instant, and they aren't getting paid either. And as for NES and SNES, you might want to check here > gp2x File Archive.
Yay, I got my e-mail just minutes ago. Too bad it will probably take the full 12 days to get here living on the west coast of the US. I ordered mine back in the beginning of Septemer. Can't wait for it to get here. :D
Well, if you're running either Steam or original Half-Life you should be able to run Half-Life at 320x240 in software mode. I don't think you can in hardware. Should just be under the video settings.
And I think in Steam there should be an option for windowed mode under the video settings...
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm having problems getting the boot.gif to display in the right colors. Everytime I try one it comes out in all the wrong colors, like if you jump into 8-bit color in Windows. :huh:
Or PSP8 could just be gimp. Got it working.
Probably going to have to reformat the SMC, or get a card reader. Sounds like.
Unless there is some way to boot normally using some key combination...like with Aquefirmware.
In order to refresh your roms in Little John, press select while in the browse mode, a menu should come up with options such as, Synchronize browser cache, Analyze roms, etc. Hope that helps. B)
Far as I know there are no flash players for the gp32_console . One reason might be because that Flash is copyrighted by Macromedia and another reason might be that it takes some hefty hardware to play flash movies sometimes; atleast it seems that way to me.