I don't know how closely the Pandora's hardware mimics the Nokia N900. But if the hardware is similar enough I don't see why Meego would have a problem running on the Pandora
Finally back. I have my dev environment setup on my new laptop and all thats left is waiting for my Pandora. The Theme engine is still busted but I'll have it working as soon as all the usability bugs are worked out of the main program.
Sorry for not posting for a while. My primary computer went down and with it most of my dev environment. Thankfully I didn't loose any files and Im back to work on this and other projects.
There are a few engines that have been ported to the arm arch that have working builds on the pandora
http://pandorawiki.org/Projects_Under_Development would be a good place to start. Look under the "Graphics Engines"
I still wonder how slow, slow is, are we talking 11mbs apposed to 54mbs or are you talking about 1mbs speeds?
I'm not surprised about the video problems the power-vr drivers are relatively new to the Linux community so issues like this are to be expected. Im sure that everyone that makes...
I've started learning irrlcht recently, and would like to announce (with no guarantee) a original game based on "typing of the dead". The game will be played on and off rails similar to how some auto locking features work in 3rd person games.Exploration will allow for freedom of movement but...
Ultimately that is why the OP team is gracing us with the option to choose how we use our device. I don't think people shy away from none WIMP style interfaces because they don't know how to use them, but because they have little understanding of what a computer is and what an OS is. Case in...
None of the problems seem to be "that" detrimental to the overall use of the Pandora. The only thing that strikes me as odd is the video driver issues. Are the Power VR drivers designed for fb access only? If so that would explain most of the X's problems.
Netbook-launcher is very nice indeed...
lol. Open Source is a double edged sword when it comes to security. Yes it is easier to find exploits in the code, but it is also easier to patch them as well.
Nope every emulator will be priced according to their popularity. N64 has gotten the most attention so it will be around 20 dollars or so followed by PSX at 12 to 15 dollars. j/king
Truthfully the app store "could" charge for such things but most likely wont. Emulators "in most countries" are...