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  • Hello Ari64. I, and I believe some other forum-goers, wanted to donate to you, as a thank you for your work. I was wondering if you could provide me with a Paypal address, for example? Thanks.
    A big thank you for all your efforts, they're much appreciated.
    hello, im just a fan, wanted to thank you for the N64 Emu, it brings this joy i could never express in words, i thank you for your work, i really do from the bottom of my heart
    Hi, I found your port of mupen64plus and wanted to ask if you are willing to contribute your changes back to the mainline development? There is currently work done to make everything more modular - so you could create specific graphics plugin and ui for pandora and share the rest with the mainline version. You can find the current version at http://bitbucket.org/richard42/ - pls merge what can be
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