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  • I am pretty sure I have not received the email yet. I did received an email from last August of 2020 about a survey to take asking me what color I would like my Pyra. As far as I know I have not received anything else from you. I ordered my Pyra in 2016.
    What’s the situation on delivery of my pyra preorder ? Give me a rough idea - 2yearsor 5 years from now
    Hey I do not want to be an ass about it, I understand you are a busy person, but could you check the PM/Conversation I started.
    Other than that I hope you have a wonderful day ^^
    Hi ED,

    Can you please get back to me via PM or email? I've been trying to reach out to you via those plus twitter, and you're not responding, and it's kind of frustrating to see you posting here but not replying to any of those. Thanks.
    ED is an extremely busy man.
    ED receives 1000's of emails, PMs & DMs per day, YUP! Per day.
    On top of all that, he is doing his best to make sure Pyra is ready for the wild.
    It would be hard to manage & prioritise his work life, let alone his home life, which I don't reckon he gets much of.
    TBH, I don't know how ED does it, as I would have thrown in the towel by now :(
    If not too personal in nature, maybe try Discord and/or making a thread in the Ask ED Questions forum boards section?
    Pyra Aluminium case offer

    Hi ED, I have sent you email (to EvilDragon(at)openpandora.org ) last week with no reply. Can you look at it please? I would like to offer comunity color anodized aluminium cases for Pyra...
    Hi ED. I purchased a GPD Win & a half of a Pyra(?) on July 12th. I have a screenshot of my bank reports showing funds being withdrawn for my orders. How can I prove it to you? This venue won't allow for me to do so, and I'd rather not post it publicly for obvious reasons. Maybe you sent "something" to another email address? I have no idea. Can you please send any related correspondence to "plots@sbcglobal.net"?
    I know your very busy so i will keep this short and to the point. I just learned about the Pandora and was ready to buy a few for me and some friends for Christmas one problem i just learned your not taking orders while you move the production to Germany any idea on when they will be available ? I know any thing you tell me will not be set in stone or a promise by any means just a guesstimate.
    thank you for the pandora. really :D

    I'm getting one soon, after having drooled over it for two years. Quick question, I wonder if there are any other pandora's in Belgium, do you have any idea if there are? Just wondering.

    wheel of morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson, that we should learn.....'if at first you don't succeed, blame it on your parents.' XD
    I just hope production will work properly now :)
    I guess you don't read this

    This is the only place I can post

    on this board

    3x tried registration in past 2 months

    well it cant run windows programs natively you need to run them under a dosbox with windows installed but it would be very slow.
    Isn't that outdated, now that the production at Global Components is steady and reliable as mentioned in the latest news post?
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