Iain M Banks


Dec 19, 2003
England, SW London, Hampton
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Has anyone read Iain M banks's 'Culture' books?

They're science-fiction and fantastic. Probably, they're my favourite books I've ever read. Totally imaginative and mind-bending.

I recommend them entirely.
yeah I'm a bit of a sci fi junkie. absolutely loved excession but I think use of weapons was my favourite - the way the plot unfolds is brilliant

that man has some imagination!
Have you read 'look to windward'?


I read 'consider phlebas' when I was 13, and I've been hooked.

Read 'Excession' when I was 14. Got me a bit muddled, i must say.

At the end of 'Excession' when the Excession talks, what does it mean? It said something about taking the culture ship for research, and a few other things, but I read it such a while ago I can't remember... Also what involvement does the crow (grevious was his name?) have?

I must read it again....

(I'm 16 now by the way :P)
god it's been so long scince I read excession I can't remember it all, it was pretty fucked up with all the ai minds conversing all the way through, a really neat touch.

yeah look to windward, that was the one with kabe the homomdan wasn't it.. there's still several that I haven't read, wish I could drag myself from the computer screen for long enough to enjoy books properly again...
I've read all the culture books (except inversions).
Look to Windward is one of the best.
Player of Games is good. Quite a short read.
State of the Art is alright (culture discovers Earth)
'Consider Phlebas' is great, if a little unpolished.

I'm currently reading the science fiction masterworks collections, so i can reccomend you alot!!

The stars my destination or tiger tiger by alfred bester. great!!!
Yeah, I love Ian M.Banks. He's like a british Larry Niven. Which can't be a bad thing! I'm reading the collected works of Arthur C. Clarke at the moment. He second gueses a lot of our current technology.