GP32 Alessandro's Ide


Still Fresh
Apr 15, 2004
North East England
Hey everyone. :D
I was just wondering where I can find a download of Alessandro's IDE, and also where I can get information on its features. For example, does it have a built in compiler? If not, how do i actually use GCC (the version that comes with devkitadvance from Rico's tute site), or create a makefile? I don't really understand how they are built... :blink:
I've spent some hours last weekend working on the IDE, so I'm planning to release the final version in this week. B)

I don't yet have a website to distribute it.. :unsure: I was wondering if somebody can provide me a page dedicated to my GP32iDE. Actually I got a mail from "nigelibrown.pwp.blueyonder" to host it.. If someone can provide another space, I'll be glad :) I have to start working on the pages.. when everything is ready, I'll start to distribute it :P


BTW: It's sad that I'm spending all my free time on a project that I give for free to the community, and when I asked for help didn't find someone that could help me :( with simple tasks...
well, I would help if I could :( - but I have only just started learning C, and know almost nothing. have you tried looking outside of the GP32 community? I am sure there is a forum somewhere for just pure windows programming in C/C++, where thre will be some people far better than any here...??

also, if you want a site, you could always set up a free one on geocities, and then go to to get a '.tk' address, which you simply point towards your geocities site and it acts as a URL mask, makingyour site easier to access...
but then, if nigelibrown site is offering you space,that might be better... i don't know...

oh, and btw, thank you so much for making the IDE :D ... it's absolutely brilliant, even with the problems in the preview version. it definitely makes life easier. now I just need to work out what the problem is with, and I can start developing, proper. :P
the problem was not on the windows-side development (for the ide)... I've asked for help in writing a cool API documentation to integrate it in the ide with contextual help, for the website, and also asked for feedbacks: I only got 1 mail from nigelibrown. :blink:

I used to have a site on geocities, but they suck.. there's a limited bandwidh traffic plus ads.. I don't want my site to be down coz geocities limits... my product is given for free, so i don't think i'm gonna spend money to host it... sourceforge would be great, but right now i'm not gonna releasing my sources

BTW: which problems you were talking about in the preview version? what about the issue? is related to the IDE?

the problems were nothing that actually stopped the IDE working - just the fact that, for the temp files etc, you had given directories like d:\temp - a cd drive, and one which not all people will have... but i believe this has been mentioned to you already, anyway...

and the problem with (or at least that's what I think the problem file is), as far as I know has nothing to do with a shortcoming in your IDE... here's my post on the problem
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Yep, I've fixed those problems.. now when you start the IDE and when you go in configuration settings, you'll be warned about missing paths and files. ;)

For your trouble, I thik you have to paste your makefile also.. the problem should be there, I've never modified the just extracted the devkit and set the right paths. :)

well i had modified for using Mirko's SDK, after finding a thread of axeman's asking how to incorporate it into devkitadv, in which mirko had explained it. i've put the makefile up now..

thanks for your help.

oh, and you were saying about feedback.. well this isn't exactly helpful, as it's not telling you a problem with - but then again, it could be helpful.. you need to know which parts work well too - anyway, I think the 'tools' bit is a great idea. I have paint shop pro 8 on the menu so far. i think this part works really well.

oh, and also - i think I may know what my problem is , but it may not be the actual main problem, maybe just one of many. but anyway, your IDE does't seem to create a gpmain.o file, and as this is referred to in the makefile, that coudl be causing the problem. but if i am right, surely others would be having this trouble, so i'm not sure... I will check my IDE-created folders now...
Alessandro posted on Apr 19 2004 at 09:00 AM said:
I've never modified the just extracted the devkit and set the right paths. :)
what, do you mean as in DOS (SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\DEVKITADV\BIN)??
if so, what other paths should i have set?
if not, what do you mean?

sorry to keep on bothering you - I appreciate your help :)
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I mean that you don't have to set it... when I start the compile process, I do a sort of set path as in dos, you don't have to set it in your enve.. just configure the IDE properly.. it will do the job for you ;)

In the IDE configuration window, I ask for the necessary paths to make the ompiler process simpler as possible, this is what i mean.

The files created automatically are (as you write before):
gpmain.c, gpmain.h, icon.bmp, and makefile
I don't need to copy a gpmain.o, coz you got it when you compile it.. take a look at the makefile B)
It's the first time I read about your prob.. it never happened to me.. are you sure you haven't messed up your file? :))))))

Up to now, I've not yet tried to use Mr.Mirko's SDK, so I've not yet tested with the IDE... when I'll make it work with devkitadv (i think it's ready, but i need other users comments ) I'll try to make it compatible with Mr.Mirko's.
