Gp32flu W/2 128m Smcs 4 Games And Gpcinema $315!!!


I am made of jellay.
May 29, 2003
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I'm selling a GP32 FLU with two 128MB SMC's, 4 Games (Kimchi Man, Tomak: Save the world Again, Pinball Dreams and Little Wizard) and GP Cinema.

The GP32 can overclock flawlessly to 166MHz.

All for the low price of

$275(before 315$)

And i will ship anywhere in the world.

I will also throw in a SMC reader for 20$ extra.

If you are interested, Email me at:
Dude, isn't that a little steep?
GP32 FLU - $200
2x 128mb SMC - $60
4 Games - ~$45, right?
GP cinema - $8
Total: $313, and it's all new.
Dude, isn't that a little steep?
GP32 FLU - $200
2x 128mb SMC - $60
4 Games - ~$45, right?
GP cinema - $8
Total: $313, and it's all new

Why does everybody have to spam peoples sales threads up with stuff like this its no one elses business other than the sellers if thats what he thinks its worth then thats whats its worth no amount of bitching about the price is gonna change that

Just my 2cents :angry:
johnno15 posted on Apr 16 2004 at 09:01 PM said:
Dude, isn't that a little steep?
GP32 FLU - $200
2x 128mb SMC - $60
4 Games - ~$45, right?
GP cinema - $8
Total: $313, and it's all new

Why does everybody have to spam peoples sales threads up with stuff like this its no one elses business other than the sellers if thats what he thinks its worth then thats whats its worth no amount of bitching about the price is gonna change that

Just my 2cents :angry:
Woah! Calm down. I'm just helping him get more offers by telling him to lower it down to a reasonable price. There's nothing wrong with that. By lowering it down, he'll get more offers and more people will be able to give him offers. So, everybody's happy!
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Woah! Calm down. I'm just helping him get more offers by telling him to lower it down to a reasonable price. There's nothing wrong with that. By lowering it down, he'll get more offers and more people will be able to give him offers. So, everybody's happy!

Good point ingnore other post druken rant :lol:
SMC's have a limited life, so the more they start to go down in value a lot after they start to get used.

Everything you listed, used, INCLUDING the reader, if I was a customer looking to buy a GP32, I would buy for no more than $250 And this is only because it includes 4 commercial games and is gaurenteed to run at 166. The GPCinema is about worthless as an "extra" because it will be free here in a couple days. The SMC's used are worth next to nothing, you can pick them up for $10 used on ebay by the dozens. And new readers go from $5 to $10, new. Just a bit of helpfull info to help you sell. If you ask a high price you might eventually lure in a sucker, but if you ask a decent price, you have a much higher chance to sell.

Why are so many people selling their GP32? Dont like it anymore? We are on the threshold of getting full snes, full genesis, and possibly full GBA emulation, now is not the time to give up!
Steve-O posted on Apr 16 2004 at 06:56 PM said:
:( R u leaving for good or saving for a BLU ???????  :(

Akuma: "Why are so many people selling their GP32? Dont like it anymore? We are on the threshold of getting full snes, full genesis, and possibly full GBA emulation, now is not the time to give up! "

Zodiac strikes again... :(
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DaveC posted on Apr 21 2004 at 12:20 AM said:
Steve-O posted on Apr 16 2004 at 06:56 PM said:
:( R u leaving for good or saving for a BLU ???????  :(

Akuma: "Why are so many people selling their GP32? Dont like it anymore? We are on the threshold of getting full snes, full genesis, and possibly full GBA emulation, now is not the time to give up! "

Zodiac strikes again... :(
As far as i'm concerned, zodiacs dead in the water.

Every major player in the console industry will have had their legal teams watching the unfolding gbaz/nintendo legal battle like hawks. As soon as any other developer trys to release an emu for a system that hasn't completely died, they'll be sued so fast it'll make their heads spin!

Why pay far more for a 33mhz (count em) faster clock speed and a crippling battery life?
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yeah i was bout to sell my gp32 also and get a zodiac, but i think i like the gp32 much better because of cheap price and open source
Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 17 2004 at 11:49 PM said:
Why are so many people selling their GP32? Dont like it anymore? We are on the threshold of getting full snes, full genesis, and possibly full GBA emulation, now is not the time to give up!
I think most of these people simply intend to get a better GP32. A FLU or a BLU, depending on the situation.

I have no opinion about the Zodiac. I'm content with my GP32 and I don't need anything better than it.
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