GP32 Bloody Hell! I've Done It!


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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HURRAH! I feel well chuffed.

I've played around and solved my first compiling/coding/syntax type problem!

In reference to THIS thread about using Mr Mirko's SDK with devkitadv....

I did what Mr M said, and added the paths to the libs in the main file, but I was still getting loads of errors. The first thing I did was copy the .h files from Mirko's lib.src\include\ folder into the \devkitadv\arm-agb-elf\include folder cos I thought it better to have them all in the same place, so there was more chance of the compiler finding them with the default options.

Firstly on compilation, I was getting errors all over the place referenceing stuff that was supposed to be in remarks in Mirko's .h files. Then I went in and noticed that Mr Mirko had used the // for remarks. So I changed them all to /* ... */ and that got rid of loads of the errors. Then I changed the main funtion name in his font example from main() to gpmain ( void *arg) and all compiled absaolutely fine, with no probs :) So it looks like the main function has GOT to be called gpmain ( void *arg).

May seem like simplicity itself to most of you, but it took a lot of determined fiddling about for me.

Cheers for the help anyways :)
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Get rid of the ansi flag and you can use // again, I don't understand why // is deactivated by default as surely its in every single example your likely to find...

I dont recall removing it myself, and I see why:

export CUSER=-DLITTLE_ENDIAN -DGP32 -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic -x c++

I added the 'c++' on the end which adds support for all the c++ related thingies. :D

What does '-ansi' do anyway?
When you said it adds support for all the c++ related thingies, what do you mean? You mean c++ commands in general, or just certain features?

I removed -ansi (found it in the end - DUH) but havent had a chance to chec it works yet.
Axeman posted on Apr 13 2004 at 12:53 PM said:
When you said it adds support for all the c++ related thingies, what do you mean? You mean c++ commands in general, or just certain features?

I removed -ansi (found it in the end - DUH) but havent had a chance to chec it works yet.
Ah, I can't remember. :(

I was looking up how to enable C++ style comments... I can't remember where I got it, but it said something about the C++ thingies...

I'll have to go looking for it again. I really should bookmark these things...
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