New Usb Cable


Aug 25, 2003
san fran
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i use my gp32 on several different computers(at home and at work;) ) and i'm tired of having to unplug the cable and bring that with me so does any1 know where to buy extra cables?
Just get a SMC reader, its much faster, better, and easier to use, than hooking up the GP32 to your PC all the time. And you can get those damn near anywhere for $5 to $10. (Or get super fast ones if your PC supports it for like $25) Get yourself a pair of $10 SMC readers and have at it (or just get one for home, and keep the GP32 usb cable at work, etc... you get the idea)
Don't count on that. I have a GP32, a webcam and a digital camera and the cables can not be interchanged. Also, the connector for the GP32 has this little "incision".
andius posted on Apr 10 2004 at 08:27 PM said:
thanks for all the replies but do the card readers need drivers?
Not under XP, but probably do under previous OSs.
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Most PCs, buy now, have downloaded the standard USB Storage Device drivers (xp comes with them), but if you havent, then you can do it from damn near any site, if the card reader doesnt come with a CD rom, just goto their site and download them.

The drivers needed are pretty generic, standard USB Storage Device.