Metal Slug On Mame


Mar 12, 2004
The World Of The Mighty Boosh
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i seem to remember that the 1st metal slug was in the arcade so surely someone could program a mame that exists already to run it if a "rom" can be found

im sure that this would work and we could finally have metal slug on gp for real!!
Never gonna happen. NeoGeo roms are far too big (the smallest ones of the really early games roll in at about 1-3mb... Metal Slug and just about all later games would dwarf the 8mb of the GP32) and the system is probably just a tad too powerful to emulate (12Mhz 68000, 8Mhz Z80, amongst other custom chips) - amongst other things, the amount of sprites it can push around the screen is just silly.

Yes, the roms could fit on a SMC, but remember the Neo was/is so good because it has *instant* access to any and all of the huge amount of data (gfx, code, sounds) stored on the cartridge... (it still has the biggest cartridges of any game system). Any slowdown to retrieve data from SMC would render the emulation useless.

-John (NeoGeo AES, MVS 1-slot, NGPC UK collection :-)
If you're looking for a Slug fix on handheld, look no further than the NGPC. Granted, the two Slug games on NGPC are in a slightly different style to their bigger brothers, but they're no less fun.

Either that or wait for the GBA version, which is looking pretty sweet.