Snes Patched Games


Oct 4, 2003
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hi i was just wondering if patched translated SNES roms would work in oSNES9x?

cause if they do that would kick ass :D
It depends on the patch.

For instance the Star Ocean patch requires a graphics pack to be placed in a folder with the rom after patching it to english but getting openSnes to read both to gether may be tricky or may not at all(it didnt work for me the first time I tried it). Of course there's also size to be factored in, Tales of phantasia is just too big to even be played from what I can tell.

On the other hand I've patched FrontMission into english and it works just fine (aside from the transparancy issues).
the Star Ocean patch requires a graphics pack to be placed in a folder with the rom

Not anymore the most recent versions of the snes emulators play it just fine(even on the xbox). There was some sort of encryption that was causing it not to be emulated corectly which is why you needed the funky graphics pack. It works fine now and can be patched to english with no problems. opensnes won't play it though becuase it't one of those games that huge and has ram problems like TOP.

As for snes games and translations in general most snes emulators on the pc will allow you to take the standard rom and the .ips translation patch name them the same and put them in the same folder and run them. I am sure that snes9x worked this way as it was a posrt of the pc version of snes9x. I am not sure if opensnes will support .ips patches in this way but there is no reason why the roms shouldn't work. If opensnes dosn't support .ips patches you should get an ips patcher. This will allow you to apend the patch directly to the rom. So then the acctual rom itself would be in english. After being patched I don't see why the emulator would not be able to play it.
yeah man it would deffenently be able to play it
all it does it modify the rom
it does not change the format
it still would be .smc
Just which emulators are you using? I have 1.36 of both snes9xw and Znesw and neither could play Star Ocean without the graphics pack.

then you also must have an older version of the rom. The newest versions play it fine if you have the correct rom.

i was talking about Osnes9x for the GP32

I mentioned multiple snes emulators in my post. Opensnes will play the game for sure if you use and ips patcher and acctually patch the rom there is no reason why it wouldn't.
I have patched several Roms, including Clock Tower, Treasure Hunter G, Bastard, Treasure of Rudora, Neugier, Seiken Densetsu 3 and more. They all worked fine on OpenSNES. I also have a patched version of Tales of Phantasia, but I hve not yet tried it on GP32.
angrypants posted on Mar 31 2004 at 11:38 PM said:
Just which emulators are you using? I have 1.36 of both snes9xw and Znesw and neither could play Star Ocean without the graphics pack.

then you also must have an older version of the rom. The newest versions play it fine if you have the correct rom.
When did you get the new rom? The new version had to've been rather recent since the site I usually get them from is pretty good about staying current.
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bigSEXYc posted on Apr 1 2004 at 03:12 AM said:
has anybody tried to patch Dragon Quest games or that squaresoft game Live-a-live?
All patched games work if they worked without a patch. Live-a-live works flawlessly with 1-2 frameskip with sound.
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You can get IPS patches from Zophar's Domain and you get a decent IPS patcher program from Fusoya's Niche

I routinely play many of the current Mario IPS patches. They all work with os9xgp as long the resulting file is no bigger than 4MB (32MBit). Also I am playing the translated version of Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) and for some reason this works better than the original. (e.g sound) :)

IPS patches can in certain instances create a fresh take on an old game, esp. Mario World. The best ones I've come across are the "Second Reality" patches and the IPS patch labelled "Bowser's Revenge".
oooh bowsers revenge? that sounds cool.

and does anybody know a good place where i can get some 100% patches cause most of the sites i go to only have partial completed ones
lizard808uk posted on Apr 1 2004 at 01:31 PM said:
I routinely play many of the current Mario IPS patches. They all work with os9xgp as long the resulting file is no bigger than 4MB (32MBit). Also I am playing the translated version of Seiken Densetsu 3 (Secret of Mana 2) and for some reason this works better than the original. (e.g sound) :)
Is it possible to play Secret of Mana 2 patched on GP32? Mine has never recognised the rom.
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I've played many a translated game on OS9x, and basically, if it works on a PC, and its 4mb or less (unzipped), it'll work on OS9x. With the exception of games with unemulated chips et al.

For patches, I've always used The Whirlpool - who seem to have pretty much every translation patch for every system, and a very up to date archive at that (with the exception of MSX patches - there's a lot of those around not mentioned there)
Bahamut Lagoon with the english patch works fine, however that are some graphical issues in certain areas.