Atari St


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Oct 1, 2003
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Any good games on atari st? What is the power equivelnt to. Is it better tham commodore 64?
Similar to the Amiga 500 if that helps. The games I play on it at the moment are IK+ (it glitches on the bonus stages but fine in the main game), Turrican, Super Cars 2 and Space Crusade. I'll also be interested to see what games people recommend. :)
It's been said before but Speedball2.

I played it for several evenings running a few weeks ago. It's as adictive as it was when it was first released.
I mainly play on

vroom (no sound though)
championship manager 1994
magic pockets

and if you haven't tried it get 'weird dreams' it is a little different.
My all time favs are;

Turrican 1 + 2 - without a doubt.....

Lotus espirt challenge, which i can nearly finish (don't laugh, can't believe i could finish the original on the amiga in one sitting)

Speedball 2 (i think it is 2, get both all the same - yes it is addictive, and a great waiting for the bus / plane / train game)

Castaway, like most of the emus, has fantastic 'try it' value...
Get as many disk images as you can and just go through them and try them. You'll find more than a few gems in there... In fact that is about my favorite game to play on Castaway. I started writing down all the kewl games that worked and ended up giving up on listing them. Then I started putting the disk images aside for the ones i liked, but that was just cramping my style and limiting the amount of untried stuff on the SMC. I only keep the ones mentioned above on the SMC now..

I used to really like Hunter (the activision one?) for amiga, but all the disk images i can find for it on the ST don't run in castaway, so, has anyone found a working version of that?
Great emu that Castaway!

I've tried alot of games and many of them work...
The best game wich worked flawless except some bug with the actual game not Castaway is Oil Imperium... played it alot on my Amiga 500 and the Amiga version and AtariST version are identical.

There is another game in the same series called Ports of Call wich I've not tried yet but these games are cool for a while (gets too easy in the long run)...

It's trade games with some action elements and nice graphics...
Really funny 2-4 player games...
after reading the james bond feature in retro gamer, I've been playing the spy who loved me, it's great! like a souped up spy hunter

try it :rolleyes:
Don't forget my official CaSTaway (GP/Palm) message board; we've got a few lists of games there, etc.

I play a lot of Time Bandits. I don't know why.. but its good old school fun :) (like Gauntlet with some twists)

There is of course Dungeon Master, FATE, and other RPGs. (The ST essentially pioneered modern RPGs..)

Xenon 1 is also good (Xenon 2 is better, imho, but they're both very good shooters)

CaSTaway also gets you most of the old AGI/SCI and Lucas games.. ie: Monkey Island etc.

Not to mention Civilization ;)

Lots of goodies..

Hmmmm........sounds interesting i never really thought about the atari st much but from wot u guys say it sounds quite good, i think ill have a look at some of those games mentioned!
kotd posted on Mar 31 2004 at 05:58 AM said:
Any good games on atari st? What is the power equivelnt to. Is it better tham commodore 64?
It is definately better than the commondore 64.

It is similar to the Genesis/pc engine/amiga 500.
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Wow thats awesome guys to think I never bothered to try it. I didn't know it was a 16bit machine. Now I just have to find some games :P Oh and is it easy to use? just choose a rom and play?
Find disk images - but what the hell - It supports ZIP files - just put the zips onto your gp32. The Atari ST emulator is a true god-send as it has vastly different style games to other machines emulated(eg, Sim City, Elite 2, Dragons Lair, Civilisation)