Is It Possible To Emulate Dos?

windows: 95/98/ME/NT/2000: A 32 bit extension and graphical shell, for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system, originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
:D aaah DOS i love DOS my fist pc was a 386 DX 25 MHZ and 8 mb of ram
i playt great games on it like Sam and max,DuneII,Commander Keen,
Jil of the jungle, enz enz then i got a P1 166 MHZ pc i used only for dos
games like Duke Nukem 3D,Tomb Raider,Shadow Ninja and Sega rally

Even then, games like DooM and Warcraft used the Dos4GW extender to access the higher-lever CPU instructions for better performance. That alone would require much more processing power from the GP32.
Yeah, I knew all you DOS lovers would come out of the woodwork :P I'm playing privateer: righteous fire now--the flight engine totally blows but its a fun game--its a shame that these things couldn't get ported to the GP32 (it has more computing power than my first computer 386SX25)ah well thats life..
jup. Thats why the most know DOS version is MSDos (ya know MS stands for Micro$oft, but you knew that didnt ya?). I think M$ didnt write DOS, he (Billy Boy) bought it (was the firm called SUN or something like that?)
ColinR posted on Apr 1 2004 at 11:17 AM said:
Its not being worked on anymore, that doesnt mean its dying. And thats just one version.

People will ALWAYS need a small, low level OS to do the low level fixem up crap.

SNES and NES games havent been officially made in _MANY_ years, yet its still far from dead. :)

Some things will never die. (or atleast take a long ass time about it!) :)
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The majority of great MSDOS games run in 640x480. Most of the games that didnt were 3d games like DOOM. Although you can find some REALLY OLD MSDOS games like Bards Tale, etc... that run in 320x240, but not many good games ran at that resolution. C&C RA is 640x480. Most games used 320x240 only when that was the "standard" resolution with 4 to 16 colors. Once VGA became available, everyone jumped on it and never looked back. 3d games ran a bit slow at higher resolutions like that, so they all supported the lower resolutions like 320x240 (and as GPDoom shows work great at that resolution)

Some games that use maps (like C&C) if you were to remake them, you can simply remake it and show less map and a slightly different interface and have a decent clone.
now I am interested
well, seing as how dos would take more than 4 mb ram wouldnt it?, I would have to do the 32 mb ram upgrade

and for red alert, could that be acomplished through what means?

Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 6 2004 at 03:51 AM said:
The majority of great MSDOS games run in 640x480. Most of the games that didnt were 3d games like DOOM. Although you can find some REALLY OLD MSDOS games like Bards Tale, etc... that run in 320x240, but not many good games ran at that resolution. C&C RA is 640x480. Most games used 320x240 only when that was the "standard" resolution with 4 to 16 colors. Once VGA became available, everyone jumped on it and never looked back. 3d games ran a bit slow at higher resolutions like that, so they all supported the lower resolutions like 320x240 (and as GPDoom shows work great at that resolution)
there are loads of great DOS games that run in VGA at 320x200 (256 colours) - this was my PC heyday! - would love those Apogee games ported.

oh and original C&C ran in low res VGA mode as I recall - once RA came along with higher resolutions there was no looking back..

by the way - I never used MS Dos until version 6.22, DR DOS was my thing....
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so what is the posiablity of dos being ported?
and whats the posibility of C&C the origional being ported to dos?


that would simply rock..... ahhhhhh.......
i dont think DOS will be ported (unfortunatelly), because you would have to emulate a PC with Graphics chip and Stuff. Way too much for the GP.
Octavious posted on Apr 7 2004 at 11:56 PM said:
do you really need a graphics chip?
sorry if thats gay, I dont know much about DOS reqs.

Everything that has visual display has some sort of graphics chip, even the GP32. Really old DOS games used CGA, which led to EGA, and finially VGA and SVGA. They were not graphics accelerators like we use today, they were simply onboad video chips. Which, you would have to emulate. Emulating DOS is basically emulating a PC. And since the standard is, you need 10x the speed of the system you are emulating, a 166mhz GP32 could emulate, MAYBE a 10-16mhz PC (with basic text output, no graphics or audio), then you have to emulate the video and audio chips, so you knock that down to about a 5mhz PC, run an OS (DOS) on that 5mhz PC and run a game inside of that OS, and you wont be enjoying it very much. Its like trying to emulate SNES on the gameboy mono lol.
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if its possible to emulate the C64s VIC in realtime with raster and sprites on a GP32, a VGA buffer shouldnt be too demanding for the little thing! The C64 is more difficult to emulate than a PC-XT or AT.

a DOS Emu should be possible! I saw Virtual PC running on a 75Mhz Mac 5200 with win 3.11 installed. It was "playable".

Would like a dos Emu to play the games on
Wow, do I love those apoge games as well. I do know that they arent released for freeware even yet. Its been rumored that they can be found on abandonware sites but I wouldnt know anthing about that. I own most of them anyways. I also think it would be AWESOME if we could make a game like hugos house of Horrors for chatboard. Please tell me im not the only one thats played this alot in my day.