Vns Stories

Finished stories... I only remember washos Hentai (that led to incapacitation of my GP32 as my girlfriend would refuse to give it back after starting the game....). Also I have made one, but it's a Horror Story, a "port" of King Diamond's "The puppet master", does not have many choices, is rather short and Ido not have any place to store it for downloads if I even thought you all were interested ;) So, concluding, I only know of washo's story.
As far as I know the only ones available are nin^_^nin's demo's, though one of these is hentai, so if that ain't your thing...

I might make one during the summer, but can't do one any earlier cos I aint got the time :)
Ok let me clear a few things up.

Washo's hentai novel is my novel Paradise height 2 he offered to translate it into french for the french users so i said go for it.

Only hentai novel that is out is mine But it has been translated into French and german.

A japanese Love story is exactly the same as Paradise height 2 but with hentai removed for the people who want the story but no hentai :)

I have been working on the novels and am about 56% through the Hentai novel

I still have to find some music but it will be done :)

I also have a few other projects which will be a secret for now ;)

Right now my story's in the writeing stage, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to make a decent multipath mystery without giving away clues too easily, I want you guys to work for it when I finish!

Also I have to decide which method to use for the game (eg. hotspots, etc.)
Mosch posted on Mar 25 2004 at 09:00 PM said:
Finished stories... I only remember washos Hentai (that led to incapacitation of my GP32 as my girlfriend would refuse to give it back after starting the game....). Also I have made one, but it's a Horror Story, a "port" of King Diamond's "The puppet master", does not have many choices, is rather short and Ido not have any place to store it for downloads if I even thought you all were interested ;) So, concluding, I only know of washo's story.
I'd be interested in seeing it :)

Perhaps this site would host it for you?
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NiN^_^NiN posted on Mar 25 2004 at 11:42 PM said:
Ok let me clear a few things up.

Washo's hentai novel is my novel Paradise height 2 he offered to translate it into french for the french users so i said go for it.
Ah sorry, I confused you two. Hope I didn't offend you, that was definitely not what I aimed for :)

Regarding my Novel... let's see if I can be bothered to find webspace in the near future ;)
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Well i'll host it for you if you like :)

I'll give u the credit of course altho my website sucks cause it wont allow files over 1mb or so and my Japanese love story is over it so i had to ak Mr Spiv to host it for me.

I might buy my own space later on who knows :)

P.s You didnt offend me :) just wanted to correct you as i worked very hard on it

But washo and everyone else who is translating is working hard to:) not easy to translate with my bad spelling ;)

Alpha2 posted on Mar 25 2004 at 11:45 PM said:
Right now my story's in the writeing stage, you wouldn't believe how hard it is to make a decent multipath mystery without giving away clues too easily, I want you guys to work for it when I finish!

Also I have to decide which method to use for the game (eg. hotspots, etc.)
No problem with that. I've plotted out a branching novel but can't do a thing since I can't draw. Sucks to be me...
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I might be able to help u with that?

and there are alot of other artist who could 2 :)

have u tryed looking for pics on google to see if u can get anything that would suit the story?

my novel A japanese love story uses real backgrounds which have been made greyscaled then tinted a light brown (kinda a old photo effect) which makes it look good but not stand out to much.

I think the easiest thing is the BGs since all you need to do is choose one fore each scene/setting. after that you just need a few reaction shots of each character assuming you;re working with the standard japanese style text/graphic game.
NiN^_^NiN posted on Mar 26 2004 at 04:57 AM said:
I might be able to help u with that?

and there are alot of other artist who could 2 :)

have u tryed looking for pics on google to see if u can get anything that would suit the story?

my novel A japanese love story uses real backgrounds which have been made greyscaled then tinted a light brown (kinda a old photo effect) which makes it look good but not stand out to much.

Hopefully you could help. I seriously doubt I'd be able to find what I need on the net and I'd want my stuff to be original anyways. It is a nutty romantic comedy adventure with an arabic setting. I'd want to use a majority of VNS functions including using a fight system similar to to the one that comes in the demo.
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Nice to see people are still working on stories. Soon a new (minor) version will be released. This version will have the the following changes:

Hotspot bug fixed (when clicked outside all defined hotspots VNS would just continue with the next scene)

Timout command can now have the format TIMEOUT=5,1 or TIMEOUT=5,[SCENENAME]. When timout occurs the sory continues with the scene defined in SCENENAME. That way you can have 'secret' choices.

New command SKIPSCENE=[SCENENAME], when the L key is pushed the story jumps to scene [SCENENAME] no matter in what scene your in. This way you can implement a SKIP function in your story.

When I have time to do a proper test I will release this 1.2 version.

I am also working on some stories (or at least ideas for stories).
My dbz 'novel' still misses music and doesnt have too much scenes yet...
a demo release when i think its good enough :P
and the zip is so big because of all the backgrounds..
VirtuaLeech posted on Mar 26 2004 at 02:52 PM said:
Timout command can now have the format TIMEOUT=5,1 or TIMEOUT=5,[SCENENAME]. When timout occurs the sory continues with the scene defined in SCENENAME. That way you can have 'secret' choices.
Excellent! The new TIMEOUT was exactly what I needed. . I was bored, sue me...
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Will the VNS ever be ported to Mac? Cause I would love to work on some virtual novels while I'm at school.