Will Taiwan Spark A World War

Will Taiwan Spark A World War

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Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
The A
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The idea im going with is that china will try and take taiwan. The U.S. will try and spread democracy again. Great Brittan will follow because they are our allies. Then North Korea will side with China because they are communist. Then Japan will side with us. They Australia will side with us. Suddenly we have a big war with the biggest militaries in the world fighting.

And an attack on Taiwan is eminent(or however you spell that). China has "tested" missiles that have flown right over Taiwan.

And it Taiwan is attacked the U.S. will surely guard it because it has strong ties there with the nationalists.

What do you think?
because taiwan succeded from china
hehe.. :D you mean "seceded", I'm sure...

Am I the only person who thinks that if push came to shove and China actually attacked Taiwan, that the US might back China and not Taiwan?

Principles aside, I think the US knows that China is a better ally to have than Taiwan if they have to choose one or the other. If US-China trade stopped, it could put a big dent in the US economy, right? ... Of course, it depends wholly on which president is in charge at the time...

And what makes you think that the North Koreans would side with the Chinese? From what I heard, both countries have a mutual dislike for one another, even if they're both "communist". North Korea is closer diplomatically with Russia than it is with China.
I don't the DPRK is in any position to participate in a war right now; those nukes they're building are just desperate bargaining chips to gain a promise from the US that they won't be invaded.

Anyway, EVERYONE knows that WW3 is going to be started by some middle eastern dude who wears a blue turban. It has been foreseen by the prophecies of the great Nostradamus!

/puts on his Nostradamus thinking cap :ph34r:
WTF??? What started this thread off anyway?? I havent heared anything on the news about a war starting WTF ????????????
It doesnt matter anyway. We'll all be dead by 2012 because of the ice age/pollution/meteor.

Haven't you guys been hearing about it?

December 2012 is the date. ( according to the aztecs, who were never wrong )
about the north korea and china thing, china is moving away from its origional communist ideals and more towards western capitalism, i think that north korea enforces soviet communism, chinnesse and soviets have always been untrustworthy of each other, like when the cccp nearly fell out with cuba because they thought cuba where trying to enforce chinnesse communism. incase you didnt notice im in favour of the communist economy, like america has very high illiterice rate where as cuba wiped theres out and people live on the streets in america and starve where as in cuba theres none of that and once your over 60 every thing is free. sorry about the rant.
thebluenewt posted on Mar 25 2004 at 01:33 PM said:
Delsabre posted on Mar 25 2004 at 11:34 AM said:
December 2012 is the date. ( according to the aztecs, who were never wrong )
They must have missed predicting the end of their civilisation... :P
Actually they were right. Thay saw "bad omens" that were "worse" than anthing they saw before a few days before that spanish person thingy came :)

Anyways, my SuperDeduper-Predictor-Thingamabob(tm) tells me that the inner core will blow up exactly 21 hours, 32 minutes, 18 seconds, 45 milliseconds foter this post. There will be earthquakes 2 hours, 2 minutes, 3 seconds, 925 milliseconds ofter it blows up. The crust will blow up 1 hour, 25 minutes, 1 second, 523 milliseconds after the first earthquakes. All life (bigger than bacteria) will be dead 362 milliseconds after the crust blows up. All bacteria (execpt the highly resistant to everything ones) will be dead 2 seconds, 194 milliseconds after that. All the highly resistent bacteria will be dead 1 minute, 3 seconds, 823 milliseconds afer that.

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finty101 posted on Mar 25 2004 at 06:24 PM said:
incase you didnt notice im in favour of the communist economy, like america has very high illiterice rate where as cuba wiped theres out and people live on the streets in america and starve where as in cuba theres none of that and once your over 60 every thing is free. sorry about the rant.
Of course the buildings in Cuba are falling to pieces, a lot of people are living in poverty, they have a massive prostitution problem, no freedom of speech...

Communism was a nice idea but it doesn't work.
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incase you didnt notice im in favour of the communist economy
and you're from Ireland? How can you support it? You've never lived in a country where it's been put into practice.

The same argument could be applied to people from Communist countries who come to America; many were dissapointed when they came to find that it was all the same, that people didn't really change and the same ones who took advantage of the old system also took advantage of this one.

Both systems have their share of problems, depending on how well they're run. The USSR, for example, boasted a 100% employment rate; however, all that really meant was that you couldn't be fired no matter how badly you did your job, so that's why many buildings and things were not built very well.
The same problem is present in capitalism, but it arises differently; companies intentionally make poor quality products so that they break easily and you have to buy new ones often (think lightbulbs; the ones in the USSR used to last 40 years, the ones in Canada me last a month if I'm lucky).

/I'm just saying; you don't really know about a system until you've lived through it. They all have their bad and good points.
i have read many books on the systems good and bad points, who told you cubas buildings were falling down? the british/ american media? who told you about freedom of speech in cuba? Who also tells of the massive problems in north Korea? the british/ american media. if communism was left alone to work it would do that but the right wing always has to interfere. im sorry but these are just my views and i respect your right to have differant ones.
thebluenewt posted on Mar 26 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
Of course the buildings in Cuba are falling to pieces, a lot of people are living in poverty, they have a massive prostitution problem, no freedom of speech...

Communism was a nice idea but it doesn't work.
Cubas problems are largely down to the fact that it has a hostile super power next door that enforces embargos, has armed rebels, attempted assassinations and also uses it's power to stop other countries from trading with Cuba.

If Britain was in a similar position as Cuba (hostile EU and no imports or exports with other countries due to sanctions) it would quickly fall into a steep decline with poverty and human casualties being high.

Sanctions are often a terrible tool of the west. The original reasons for them are often sound enough but the effect is to send the sanctioned country into decline (wealth leaves the country and resources become scarce). This can cause more civilian casualties and poverty than the reason for the sanctions in the first place. Once this has happened, Western powers can claim that the state of the country is down to the current leadership and justify the sanctions being in place.
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Ok, so the sanctions are a bit of a bastard, but that doesn't explain the decline of the USSR or the fact that China is becoming more powerful as it becomes more Capitalist.

Admittedly the US is too far the other way, but I think Western Europe seems to have a good balance.

And don't lump the British media in with that American lot, besides I don't think I've ever seen anything about Cuba in our media. It's what I've been told by someone who's been there.