GP32 Metallords:


Still Fresh
Jul 22, 2003
Basicly a freind and I have come up with a great idea for an RPG (which MAY be called MetalLords) and we're thinking of a plot right now but WE CANT PROGRAM FOR SH17! I think that this would make a really great game on the GP and so we're looking for a few people that can interpret our ideas into code and sprites that work well together. Heres a few details about the idea, withought giving too much away.

A futuristic world where technology meets magic. Humans pilot a form of Mecha who have the souls of Etheals effectivly making them living beings in themselves. The game will be an RPG with some pretty inovative features, it will be an ATB battle system though. Some bits of the game will require ATB battles while others will involve you piloting battle ships to jumpgates (to travel to the other planets) and space colonies (they'll have lots of nice "illegal" gear for the characters)

These are the ideas for classes so far, we're thinking of more at the moment. Some characters can change their class but will never be as powerful as the characteres that are "dedicated" to a class. Your character though gets to choose their class and can reach the ultimate levels in them.
* Tek-Mage:
One of the few that has mastered the art of mixing CyberTek with Magik. These Tek-Mages are extreamly skilled at manipulating their surroundings and using the Magik force...
* Haxer:
Not all characters that use this class do wrong with their skills. This class opens a variety of options in using Drones, Haxing into systems, and "Jaking" into other mecha/vehicles. They are not always welcome in cities or towns however...
* Duelist:
Mecha pilots who still honour the old code. Very strong and quick but rearly use long ranged weaponry. They favor close quaters and mid range attacks...
* Shadow:
These turn sneaking and long ranged attacks into an art form. They can attack at close quaters very well, but then retreat back before an opponent can react...
* Tek-Lord:
Basicly a VERY skilled mechanic. They can create new weapons from various items and can repair vehicles/mecha in and out of battle. Not the most powerful attackers, but very effective as support...

Theres a few details, we're pretty much looking for coders who feel confident about programming an RPG with different features, maybe a seperate coder for the shooter parts, and a sprite artist that should be able to do pretty detailed stuff. Maybe a person for sound and music, but we'll see how it goes.

I hope some one here is interested most of the kudos will go to whoever can pull this off, me and my freind are just thinking up the story and ideas, so reply here if your interested or mail me and we'll send you some more details about the battle system etc if your interested.

Cheers guys...
wow, sounds interesting
If i were you I would think of making it in a zelda like view
and the battles be like the early FF games
neat, however I am using what little knowledge I have for GPFinalWar

The battles are going to be like Final Fantasy but I'm also thinking that having a kind of scrolling platformer bit if you persue certain enemies could be an idea. Probably not going to do that however, just waiting for some interest from coders.

You keep that Final War project going, that early demo i playeed looked very good. I think the cursor in the build menu could be a bit of a problem though, hard to clikc buttons if ur in a rush, maybe dont use a cursor for that.

Well, see if anyone else reads this then...
Ok just some more details:

All characters will have a mecha (havent decided what to call them) which are pretty powerful and can be reparied but CANNOT be revived if they are destroyed because of some reason i've yet to think up.

Because of this the caracters can exit from the battle mecha during a battle and fight out side of it, if you shutdown the mech befor you bail then it can SLOWLY repare itself.

This will be pretty important in boss battles i think...
The can't be revived cause when there Central processor unit goes down there life spark goes away ????

loosely based off transformers :D

but check out skeezix game maker

you can do your game easily its very easy to learn and to make a map u do this:


thats a simple level and all u do is set # to the brick or wall image and . to the ground image.

The rest is pretty easy :)

Hell if i had time id do the zelda OOT 2d game :)

i might do a level or 2 and release it so people can contine it just setup the main stuff like sprites etc.

but we will see

i can't wait untill that oot2d is released the guy said that he would release the source code

oot on gp32 would rule everything :lol:
I got Darkbaic and DIV2, DB is REALLY hard though at the moment.
NIN I know how to do levels like that, but im looking for people that could do them for me i cant code or do sprites for sh1te so im just thinking of the concept.

That idea for the spark is kewl, maybe make it an Etheral soul or something, that be kewl, ill post more details soon...
Customisable Mecha:
All mecha can be customised with parts and weapons/part purchased from shops.

Allows your mecha to become an allrounder if you want, but they will perform better if they stay as their dedicated type.

Battle System:
Top down zelda style veiw in turnbased mode where you move around and use long range attacks, Speed determines the order of that the characters act in. When in a certain range, veiw changes to FF style ATB battles which form the main part of attacking an enemy.
Hey got a few more ideas, theyll be here tomorow (loadsa work dammit :angry: ). HAving an inside veiw/hud to see the character/mecha stats in battle :D so that would be kewl...
Ethreal Soul:
This gives the Mecha their power. As long as the Ethreal is there, no other power source is needed. The Ethreals are the souls of close freinds/comrades/family that have been killed and were strongly linked to the Mecha pilot they accompany in some way. When the Mechas damage reaches 100% the soul fades and can never be recovered. See earlier posts for the idea of exiting from the mecha in battle etc.

Mecha HUD:
When the time bar of the character reaches 100% then the veiw switches to an inside copit veiw where the status of character and mecha are displayed. This is where you select your attacks and lock onto a target. If more than one character have a full time gauge the L+R switches between their veiws. Perhaps some special attacks could be fired only in the copit veiw maybe like ZOE on GBA.

Looking for some one that can make music (maybe in midi format? does that sound crap on a GP32? I have a yamaha soft synth on my PC so i know the GP wont sound like that) that kinda sounds techy but also have a feel to it. Maybe like some weird twisted fusion of the Final Fantasy soundtracks crossed with that of Wipeout.

I am going to make a detailed description of everythign so far an dpost it here when i can. Still looking for cooders that are interested though and i have 1 possible artist :D please get back to me bro if your reading this...
Characters are still very much being thought up, as is the main story...
Small problem is that u are very optimistic, lots of data and game variations are very tricky. I dont mean to knock u off ure high horse but i think ure gonna struggle to find sum1 to code for u

Although sum1 will prolly code for u now just to spite me
lol i hope some one does take up the job :P and yeah suppose it is optomistic but theres loadsa plain FF style RPGs so something different would be really good. BUt like you said, maybe itll be too hard for any one to code?
Next up gonna be posting a list of the skills and commands thought of so far, then i might put it all in one big text file and post it some time...
This sounds fantastic but as somebody has posted earlier it is very optimistic i kno it sounds stupid but some game companies allow gamers to send them ideas for games maybe you could do tht? That is basically what a game designer does they generally write the story line and design the world etc my uncle is trying to get into it.
why not wait till Gigas is released, it would probably work in a future version. Just keep writing down ideas and draw some concept art, soon a sprite sheet will be released letting you make your characters.