Best Firware


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
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In your opinion, whats the best and most functional firmware that you would recommend and why??

I just wanna now what to put on my Gp :P
i use mfw2/pacrom its fast, simple, and funktional, and the auto launch funktion from packrom is very usefull
Are there any main differences between mfw and mfw2? And by the way, can i use windups 1.0 as boot option or it will only work with the 0.99 version?
Are there any main differences between mfw and mfw2? And by the way, can i use windups 1.0 as boot option or it will only work with the 0.99 version?
another vote for pacrom. It might not be the best looking but it is the most well thought out and most functional firmware hands down. Windups looks cool but I have always thought of it as a novlety firmware. It's not as functional as other stuff out there. The original firmware is ok but pacrom will start right at a menu to launch programs insted of waiting for the lame opening animation then clicking a few things to get to free launcher.
Im having a good time with aqua mf4 its treating me right. Every once in a while in the beginning I got lost but I think its a good thing now. Keeps people off my gp32 if they dont know what they are doing how I have it setup.
I use MFW2 and have set pacrom to autoload BOOT.FXE which is either windups, mp3 player or yafl depending on which smc is inserted.. works really well