Atari ST games

Give it to the kids to stop then asking if they can play on the GeePee.

That's what I did

MrT posted on Apr 30 2003 said:
Never played that, but if it's anything like Amberstar/Moon then i'll be missing from the boards for af few months

(everyone cheers and has a party)


You can download it here

This game has the BEST combat system I've seen on a RPG.
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That's what I did too. :)

6 month after buying a GBA, I just gave it away to my niece and nephew.
They were playing Mario and Yoshi on it the whole easter holidays, so
I decided that they have more use for it than I have.

First I wanted to sell it though and make some bucks for additional SMCs.
But then I remembered getting my first TV console, a hardwired pong
clone, as a gift, and this started my everlasting love for console games.
So I thought it would be nice to pass some of it to the next generation. :)
I posted this in a previous ST EMU thread:


it is an FTP server by a guy called Joe with almost every piece of Atari software ever released! Including all compact discs not only by Automation but by the Pompey Pirates, Medway Boys, Cynix, D-bug, FOF etc. Also lots of 2600 stuff too.

I am so looking forward to the next release of this Jeff!

Out of interest does it run MSA disc images, as a lot of archived stuff (particularly on Joe's) is in that sort of disc format? AND any chance of trying Llamatron (PP84/85, Auto388 or ftp://atari:st@ and Utilities/Yak/

Also I have a huge atari st collection(hundreds - possibly thousands) so if people find paritcular games hard to find - I could search my collection for it and use that makedisk utility--

I will have access to my ST collection in over a month after I have moved. --Makedisk seemed to work with most disks I had - including - the legendary PD game unknown to many people - Grandad and the holy vest 1+2
timthepig posted on Apr 30 2003 said:
Also I have a huge atari st collection(hundreds - possibly thousands) so if people find paritcular games hard to find - I could search my collection for it and use that makedisk utility--

I will have access to my ST collection in over a month after I have moved. --Makedisk seemed to work with most disks I had - including - the legendary PD game unknown to many people - Grandad and the holy vest 1+2
timthepig, you're volunteering to duplicate all the effort made by Joe's FTP server. I would suggest popping over there and grabbing a few dir listings. They have everything and I mean that!
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MSA and ZIP not yet supported, but I'll likely add them in.. I've got the code for it worked out, just no time to put it in.. gotta get it working and fun before going for frills :)

Sound, MSA, etc, all going to happen!

My list.. Xenon (1 and 2), Captive, Dungeon Master, Empire, Phantasie (1, 2, 3), other RPGs, Alternate Reality, Magic Pockets, Time Bandits, Star Glider (1 and 2), Millenium 2200.. gods, hundreds more. So many good ST games :)

Not to mention all those cool STOS Basic hacks, etc :)

Gotta try demos, too.. I wonder if any of them will run :P

STOS Basic!! Fantastic. Spent many a happy hour using that. Think I've still got it somewhere in my loft (AMOS too!)!

I'm looking forward to playing all the Infocom classics, personally.
Oh God! It'd be like hell on earth trying to play a text advbenture using a joystick-based keyboard for input!.....

You'd soon get frustrated as hell, wonder why you ever bothered, and go for a quick blast on Xenon 2 :D
yeah, I know but the descriptions were so lucid. It'd bring back a lot of memories but I don't think I'd stick with 'em for long! :)