N nerd of nerds w00t!!!! Joined Feb 25, 2003 Messages 838 Apr 29, 2003 #1 How do i use arm assembly in my programs? Is it just done in the makefile? Tnanks
N NoBrain2k Still Fresh Joined Apr 17, 2003 Messages 45 Age 40 Location United Kingdom Website Visit site Apr 29, 2003 #2 if you are coding in C and using the SDT its just a matter of putting: asm { } in your code for GCC i think its : __asm { } of course you put you ASM code in the brackets like this: asm { mul PipeX2,PipeX,25 mul PipeY2,PipeY,25 add PipeX2,PipeX2,48 add PipeY2,PipeY2,42 add PipeX3,PipeX2,10 add PipeY3,PipeY2,10 } ENJOY Jake
if you are coding in C and using the SDT its just a matter of putting: asm { } in your code for GCC i think its : __asm { } of course you put you ASM code in the brackets like this: asm { mul PipeX2,PipeX,25 mul PipeY2,PipeY,25 add PipeX2,PipeX2,48 add PipeY2,PipeY2,42 add PipeX3,PipeX2,10 add PipeY3,PipeY2,10 } ENJOY Jake
N nerd of nerds w00t!!!! Joined Feb 25, 2003 Messages 838 Apr 29, 2003 #3 Is there any way i can JUST use asm? instead of C\C++ And do i have to do all of this c\c++ blitting crap to dislpay stuff on the screen?
Is there any way i can JUST use asm? instead of C\C++ And do i have to do all of this c\c++ blitting crap to dislpay stuff on the screen?
N NoBrain2k Still Fresh Joined Apr 17, 2003 Messages 45 Age 40 Location United Kingdom Website Visit site Apr 29, 2003 #4 first youll need a very stiff drink there is a compiler ive heard of that compiles just ARM ASM im sure it had gold in the title otherwise.. yes im sure you can.. but i dont know how
first youll need a very stiff drink there is a compiler ive heard of that compiles just ARM ASM im sure it had gold in the title otherwise.. yes im sure you can.. but i dont know how
N nerd of nerds w00t!!!! Joined Feb 25, 2003 Messages 838 Apr 29, 2003 #5 I don't know if you read the modified post, but do i need to do C\C++ blitting to display stuff on the lcd(with asm)?
I don't know if you read the modified post, but do i need to do C\C++ blitting to display stuff on the lcd(with asm)?
J jlebrech UFO Robot Joined Feb 25, 2003 Messages 899 Age 42 Apr 30, 2003 #6 Think you can used a compiler called goldroad i think it make really small programs. It could be good if you only have a 4mb smc to play around with.
Think you can used a compiler called goldroad i think it make really small programs. It could be good if you only have a 4mb smc to play around with.
N NoBrain2k Still Fresh Joined Apr 17, 2003 Messages 45 Age 40 Location United Kingdom Website Visit site Apr 30, 2003 #7 you dont HAVE to use the C blitting functions at all as long as you think you can stomach using ASM for it then go for it!!! i dont know how, not in code! but the theory is just writing bytes into the right part of the memory good luck!
you dont HAVE to use the C blitting functions at all as long as you think you can stomach using ASM for it then go for it!!! i dont know how, not in code! but the theory is just writing bytes into the right part of the memory good luck!
Mofokubik Newbie Joined May 9, 2003 Messages 1,228 Age 40 Location Earth Website Visit site May 13, 2003 #8 Wow, where can I go to learn programming. I would like make some stuff for gp32. Any good online tuts? (and sorry for posting on an old topic, I just didnt want to create a new one)
Wow, where can I go to learn programming. I would like make some stuff for gp32. Any good online tuts? (and sorry for posting on an old topic, I just didnt want to create a new one)
M MrT Member Joined Feb 28, 2003 Messages 247 Age 58 May 13, 2003 #9 I wish I knew too Mofokubik I guess I'll just have to keep leeching off other peoples hard work. I wish I could help more MrT
I wish I knew too Mofokubik I guess I'll just have to keep leeching off other peoples hard work. I wish I could help more MrT
Mofokubik Newbie Joined May 9, 2003 Messages 1,228 Age 40 Location Earth Website Visit site May 13, 2003 #10 I found these....I will learn as much as I can, at the same time I will work on my halflife mod, work on both of my soundfonts, keep learning 3dsmax, and finish all of my school work for the rest of the year...yep, gonna be busy. http://www.programmingtutorials.com/ http://www.eng.uc.edu/~jtilley/tutorial.html http://focusin.ads.targetnet.com/ad/id=cpr...210&uid=3157155 http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/ http://www.justphukit.com/ http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html
I found these....I will learn as much as I can, at the same time I will work on my halflife mod, work on both of my soundfonts, keep learning 3dsmax, and finish all of my school work for the rest of the year...yep, gonna be busy. http://www.programmingtutorials.com/ http://www.eng.uc.edu/~jtilley/tutorial.html http://focusin.ads.targetnet.com/ad/id=cpr...210&uid=3157155 http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/ http://www.justphukit.com/ http://www.flipcode.com/tutorials/ http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html
R Reesy Guest May 21, 2003 #11 The Goldroad compiler is an ARM7 compiler, but the GP32 has a ARM9 cpu. Can you still use it to create GP32 stuff?
The Goldroad compiler is an ARM7 compiler, but the GP32 has a ARM9 cpu. Can you still use it to create GP32 stuff?
M mithris Certified Guru Joined Mar 7, 2003 Messages 190 Age 44 May 21, 2003 #12 ARM7TDMI(GBA core) and ARM920T(GP32 core) both have ARMv4 instruction set, so they are code compatible.
ARM7TDMI(GBA core) and ARM920T(GP32 core) both have ARMv4 instruction set, so they are code compatible.
M M^4 Still Fresh Joined May 25, 2003 Messages 66 Age 48 Location East Coast USA Website users.adelphia.net May 26, 2003 #14 Mofokubik posted on May 13 2003 said: I found these.... Click to expand... Those are some good general programming links. For a couple of simple GP32 tutorials, Rico has his tutorials. Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2016
Mofokubik posted on May 13 2003 said: I found these.... Click to expand... Those are some good general programming links. For a couple of simple GP32 tutorials, Rico has his tutorials.