N64 On Pocket Pc


Virtual Boy
Jan 23, 2004
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I don't know if this is old news, but I just caught word that this guy is working on a N64 emulator for pocket pc.

Check it out here.

Good luck to the guy. Emulating a 64-bit CPU on a 32-bit processor should be fun, as well as emulating the N64 GPU.

With no hardware 3D rendering, I doubt this is possible for a long time.
Sponge BoB posted on Mar 3 2004 at 05:54 PM said:
my pc has a 32bit processor and it can emulate the n64
jup it can emulate it. but you know how good they run?

on my 1,5GhZ P4 most of em run like shit. Have heard that 2GhZ people don't have much fun at that either.

good luck running it on a PDA :lol: :lol:
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Anox posted on Mar 3 2004 at 06:12 PM said:
on my 1,5GhZ P4 most of em run like shit. Have heard that 2GhZ people don't have much fun at that either.
I was running UltraHLE on a P200 with a 2MB voodoo1 and it was just about playable (I have an N64 anyway but I just thought it was amazing).

If the PSX can be done I don't see why the N64 can't, of course it'll be barely playable withoout a joypad anyway...
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what emu do you use....
i have a athlon 1.3 gig...64mb nvida g-force 2...and up intill reseantly,had 256mb of ram....(now it's 512)


i use project64 v1.5...and with the right graphic's plug in...i get full speed n64 emulation....
i still own a lot off n64 game and love playing the zelda games...f-zero and 1080.
i have use this emu since v1.3...and have no time for any other n64 emu's since...
hope you like it as much as i do.
i have a 3ghz P4 512mb ram and also use project64, its a great emulator, although i was able to get ultraHLE to run at a decent speed on my old 350mhz p2.
I think it could work. I used to have an old 500mhz machine with a crappy integrated card, and used CORN because I only like to play mario64 and starfox anyway. But it ended up running near full speed with sound, and almost perfect minus a few graphic glitches (that penguin didn't have eyes) but was awesome. I think if the sources to corn were released, it could open the n64 emulation scene up to more platforms.

On my other comp, 1.2ghz voodoo3, I ran pj64 with a glide plugin, it seriously runs everything i've ever tried 100% perfect on everything, also very fast. Never have problems.
ive got a 2ghz p4 and use project 64 every game ive tryed works perfect except a disney dance dance revolution game i think. Oh and anyone tryed it online using kaillera :D?
The problem is, even those crappy integrated GPU's are 10x as fast as those found in PocketPC's. Take a 400mhz PC, run a N64 emulator, and set it to software rendering mode, thats the speed you will get on most PocketPCs if your lucky.

Not to mention, assuming you get 100% speed and sound, imagin trying to pretend that your pocketpc's buttons are an N64 controler, emulating 2 shoulder buttons, 4 camera buttons, a 4 directional D pad, an analog stick, A and B buttons, a Z and Start button. How fun....