I Love My Gp32


Still Fresh
Feb 11, 2004
I have had my gp32 for a week now and i must say i love this thing !!!! All i hear people talk about is how we dont have this and we dont have that, but im realy happy with what we got the snes emulater is good enough for me i dont realy care if its the best were going to get . The pcengine emulater is just awsome . Movie player is sweet along with the mp3 player. So i just wanted to share that with all of you :lol:
Blaine0002 posted on Feb 24 2004 at 01:18 AM said:
ive tried lufia 2 but it wont work! i must have a bad rom..
if lufia allways restarts you have to enable sound emulation
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While others may expound the glory of an ever-improving SNES emu, I find the most joy for me comes from playing 20+year-old games via the awesome ColecoVision, Atari 2600 & Commodore 64 emulators. Yes, I'm an old fart, but these games make me happy so :P

*edited for spelling
TelcoLou posted on Feb 24 2004 at 11:08 AM said:
While others may expound the glory of an ever-improving SNES emu, I find the most joy for me comes from playing 20+year-old games via the awesome ColecoVision, Atari 2600 & Commodore 64 emulators. Yes, I'm an old fart, but these games make me happy so :P

*edited for spelling
yeah baby, don't ever let those gems get forgotten about....

long live the 8 bits

miner willly....... ahhhhhhh
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Yup, my current addictions involve Up and Down and Tapper on the C64 emu. Oh and the Scumm games of course :)