

Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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OK, I lay down a challenge. It may not be possible, but GTA for the GP32 would be cool. I would pay for the game and Im sure a lot of other people would if it was good enough!
Original GTA? sounds like it'd be feasible... although I dont know how much room in the memory you;d need to fit the whole city or if you could stream it off the SMC effectivly... maybe someone with actual programing experience knows...
I'm currently trying to get 16 - 32 colour compressed sprites working on the GP32 at the moment, but obviously they are slower to use than just blitting a bitmap to the screen. If I get it to work properly, I will give it to the GP32 community (although you will probably destroy me with critisism when you see my code :P ).
Man, this thread is so lame :angry:

Do you really think someone is going to go to all the trouble of making a game for which there is no public source code, just so that you would pay for the game "if it was good enough"?

What would probably happen is that the kiddies around here would warez the game and the developer would get bugger all. That's how it usually works.

Anyway, here's a couple of "challenges" for you, mattmagoo:

1) Have a look around and at least try to post in an appropriate forum next time.
2) Read at least one of the pinned "Ports require source code!" threads in the "Cool Ideas and other wishes" forum before making any more daft requests.