Opensenes9x V0.3 ?


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2004
How long u reckon its guna take? yoyo musta had sum breakthrough or somethin. Ill try 2 b patient but i want it sooo much lol.
yeah im enjoyin no2 very much. :D im also playin goldeneye doom at the moment an words cant describe its greatness. If only there was an actual sonic rom for the snes. It annoys me not bien able to play FGen with sound.
their is a sonic game for the snes, the only problem is that its shit.

I also cant wait for the public release of fgen, hopefull this will include sound, does anyone know if ryleh ever recieved zadoz's z80 core.

cant wait for 0s9x.3 but be patient, theres no need to rush yoyo. he'll release it in his owntime
maybe he decided to put the new core in 0.3 and now wants to surprise us ... maybe maybe ....
yep he have some problems in rl... anyway release shouldnt be too far away. he shouldnt do everything in 0.3, as there should be 0.4 , 0.5 , .... and finally 1.0 :P
While I'm about as eager to see the Emu's updated as anyone I also think it's not going to help to hound people into working faster. It's more likely to piss them off and the last thing I want to see is a pissed off GP32 coder.
who are you guys that demand a free programm from someone who does this in thier free time? Give this person some time. he will release it when it is finished. (don't want no extreme buggy pushed out software)
Anox posted on Feb 15 2004 at 10:10 AM said:
who are you guys that demand a free programm from someone who does this in thier free time? Give this person some time. he will release it when it is finished. (don't want no extreme buggy pushed out software)
I see you are another of these Knights in Shining Armor on a mission to save the emulation coders from the evil users. But your quest is in vaid, for no one here has demanded a release of the emulator.
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Zero3K posted on Feb 15 2004 at 02:28 AM said:
come on yoyofr... (I think its been long enough)
If I were a coder and see something like that, I'd compile my current work and throw it out there, never to be seen again.

and yes, i am a knight in shining armor, trying asure that users get decent programms and coders don't get pushed!
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Well the real question is, did yoyo mark a date for the next version. Since he didn't, we really can't expect v0.3 to come out ANY TIME AT ALL since yoyo has made no promises. And whatever is causing the delay of release, it's sure to be important enough that yoyo won't be releasing it any sooner just because some people have moaned on a message board.
actually, i think thta he compiled version 0.3 but it was eaten, the only copy, and the source,well, that was eaten too...
I second that. I have waited years to buy my GP32. I wanted Chrono Trigger for several years until I finally got it. I never had a girlfriend (well, never looked for one, really) until I was eighteen. After half a year of huntig, I bought an Aura Interactor for 1€, no shipping costs.

Of course I would like a faster release. A release that allows you to play at 30 fps with sound, no frameskip, no overclocking. I`m not gonna get it, so hey, what are you gonna do? Wait. I waited years for my GP32, I can wait some more for a faster SNES-Emulator.
perfect emulation on the pc has taken year's....i'm happy with what my gp32 can do NOW!!!!
i want an amiga emulator so bad...(i was an amiga 500 and 1200 owner).
i don't really think i'm going to get one...(read through old tread's about the subject)
fMAME32...rlyehrealest a video back in october 2003 of ghost n goblins running new's...didn't some member's on this board give him grief...saying..realse this...realse that....
if you want it now...code it yourself....then maybee you will realise all the hard work that gose in to it...(i don't code...btw)
i'm sure we'll get THERE own time.