Blue flicker


Mega Pandora mania
Jun 17, 2003
Has anyone else noticed that when the background in a game is blue, it ripples - especially when the battery is low? Or is that just my GP32?

It doesn't happen with other colours, just blue.
probably due to the fact that it cant output as many variations of blue as red and green because it has 3 bits for the red lut, same with the green, but blue only has 2 bits?

btw lut = the colour "look up table" :)
heh i got this problem too but i get rid of it when i changed the first approach was whit gpengine , that begins to not work after i put some roms in batteries have lowed in the pclink process. ^_^

@washoo: lol when u sign ur post whit "see you" ;-) that face seems to be dispregiative :)
Doesn't mean anything in English either...

But yeah, the :lol: is better, ;) looks like you are having a fit or asking for sex or something.
that ;) used to annoy me. and yeah, my screen flickers... i thought it was when the cpu is getting used a lot and draining power from the screen (see when it's defining pages in windups text reader)
lol peeps sorry about that dispregiative world.

dunno how it comes out of my mind....mhm...ah! got it! cos is italian! lol!

well anyway this one :lol: is much more better than ;) (dunno's not a ver funny and happy face lol)
So with all your support Ive decided to change my sign from "see you ;)" to "see you :lol:"
Mina arigatou (Thanks everyone)
No I feel much more better than before.... :)
But remember that the topic was talking about flikert......
And for the 1st official time :
see you :lol:
I've just noticed a flickering on my gp32.. but it only happens when I use the new AC Adapter that I bought. It's a 1.5 - 12v, 300mA power supply (with the correct polarity using an adapater) from Radio Shack. I have it set for 3v, obviously, but when I use it, I get that flickering effect from right to left.. annoying enough to spoil watching a video. Using my good 'ol rechargeables, there is no flicker. I've tried different outlets in my house. Anyone else have this problem before?
So thats why Mr.Spiv didn't make the WSOD blue :mellow: :huh: ^_^ :o ;) :P :D :lol: B) :rolleyes: -_- <_< :) :angry: :( :unsure: :wacko: :blink: :ph34r: (to make sure no one feels left out)...

I think it's cuz of the LUT BTW. But obviously low battries make it worse
I've just noticed a flickering on my gp32.. but it only happens when I use the new AC Adapter that I bought. It's a 1.5 - 12v, 300mA power supply (with the correct polarity using an adapater) from Radio Shack. I have it set for 3v, obviously, but when I use it, I get that flickering effect from right to left.. annoying enough to spoil watching a video. Using my good 'ol rechargeables, there is no flicker. I've tried different outlets in my house. Anyone else have this problem before?
Its a good possibility that the power supply you are using is unregulated, which is probably causing the flicker. You should seriously consider getting a regulated power supply.

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I also have the same problem zoink

but my screen is also prtially broken as well