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I had to post this here so more people can see it, quite frankly not that many people read the off topic stuff anymore since it doesn't make it to the front page.

ANYWAY, check this out here NINTEND DS

This is going to be the death of nintendo. This is the worst sounding idea I've heard yet. Two screens, one on top of the other, and wide screen viewing if you hold the system sideways. Dear god, i pray this is a joke.
I was hoping it would be a virtual boy 2.

I want VR damn it, i was lied to all through the early 90s about the future of video games!

personally i cant wait, even if it flops ill probably still buy one, all i hope is that the two screens are used effectivly and arent just some gimic, by all rights ninty should have died a long time ago but by some quirk of fate it keeps on going. :P
Yeah I read about this on insertcredit. I remember seeing a load of joke concept drawings, funny, but I can't remember the link.

Personally I'm glad Nintendo still dares to be different. I know that it's got a lot of flopability but where would we be without innovation like this from Nintendo. ;)
This sounds like a ridiculous idea. I liked Virtual Boy but the DS will repeast the same fate. Quick exist, not many good games.
I personly would like them side to side not top to bottem. I think its going to kill nintendo if they do it that way if they do it side to side it might not hurt them that much.

O yea

Well... according to various news sites, this thing is GameCube and GBA compatible... imagine a portable GameCube!
And the second screen can be used for racing games (map from top) or RPGs (Stat infos etc.) :)

Doesn't sound too bad IMHO
Well... according to various news sites, this thing is GameCube and GBA compatible... imagine a portable GameCube!

No site that I ever saw said that, and Nintendo already confirmed it would not play GameCube games (GBA games were in question).

Perhaps you are thinking of that fake hybrid console that was on the news sites a few weeks back.
Well, wrote...

"The company certainly wasn't joking when it promised something entirely new to the video game world; the NDS features two 3-inch LCD screens, aligned vertically, in a new portable designed to be compatible with both the Game Boy Advance and the GameCube. "

But after I looked at the original Nintendo press release, I couldn't find anything about it... only that it uses cartridges, so it CAN'T be compatible with GC.

Never trust a news article you haven't written ;)
Well, wrote...

"The company certainly wasn't joking when it promised something entirely new to the video game world; the NDS features two 3-inch LCD screens, aligned vertically, in a new portable designed to be compatible with both the Game Boy Advance and the GameCube. "

But after I looked at the original Nintendo press release, I couldn't find anything about it... only that it uses cartridges, so it CAN'T be compatible with GC.

Never trust a news article you haven't written ;)
I don´t think they mean compatible in that way. Perhaps there´s connectivity...
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