N64 emulator?


Obviously fake, because while the GP32 -could- emulate it (I think? You'd probably need a swap file on the SMC) nobody would bother because it would run way to slooooow. Plus I think the screen resolution of then N64 is at least twice that of the GP32.

Don't forget the buttons.

However - I might be wrong, people -could- always be coding the emulator for the sheer hell of it, I don't know. Although some screenshots of either their dev environment (like Firefly did with WinCE) or some debug info would be nice, atm the screenshots could have been ripped straight out of their favourite N64 emulator.

- Rico
well i don't think the resolution is the problem

1.the emu could set it lower
2.many n64 ran at 320x somethinh

and isn't the n64 cpu 64bit like the name says ? and as you saidthe buttons ...
Sonic - Ah, I didn't pay much attention, if I'd seen the filtering I would have immediately realised "no hardware 3d on the gp32..." and discounted it :D

OTOH They could have emulated it through software :D

- Rico
Sonic-NKT posted on Apr 22 2003 said:
to show you how easy it is to make a good fake, here is my ... it took me 9min to create, all done with ms paint :)
I'm glad you mentioned those were fake ... they looked pretty good to me!

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This post isn't aimed at anyone here, just the emu-wannabe 'scene' in general

::Bangs head against the wall for a little while::

Why do some people not understand that emulation requires that the target machine is several orders of magnitude more powerful than the machine you're wanting to emulate on it to be in any way worthwhile? So far as I know all games on the GP32 are 2D, and there are certainly none of them that could be mistaken for an N64 game, are there?

I mean, I know there's always HLE emulation, which can help, but only really when the hardware works in a certain way and relies mostly on libraries being used so their behaviour can be emulated as much as possible, not their hardware to get extra speed. Or if the machine you're trying to emulate is incredibly similar to the machine you're using (old examples: an ST emu for the Amiga (flakey but worked) and the Shapeshifter 68000 Mac emu, also for the Amiga). But none of this is true, is it?

It's like a situation I found myself in a few months ago. A PS2 owning friend of mine was swearing blind that there was a GameCube emulator being worked on for his crappy console. I pointed out to him that the GC was more powerful than the PS2, so it was impossible to get one running in a useful manner. But no, they were using the magic 'HLE' method, and already had Luigi's Mansion & Rogue Leader running on it with all the effects on. I mean, come on! The PS2 can't do games which look as good as those two GC launch games if they're coded natively, let alone emulated! Here's the best part, though: he'd found this on a website which was offering the emulator on a DVD-ROM along with some GC disk dumps for 'only' $40, so he ordered it to 'prove me wrong' :lol:

::Wanders off, ignoring the offer he's getting on WinMX of a GameCube emu + 'roms' if he starts a guy's download::

Yep, thats real all right, 100% completely totally real, it isnt a photoshop at all, nuh uh!
Seeing as the human genome has been released, I'm going to have a bash at downloading the full 'source code' and compiling it for the GP32. I'll use a special 'HLE' technique for the simulation of neurons in the human's brain so there's enough CPU time for voice simulation & recognition, too. The GUI will allow you to choose male or female, and accelerate their growth to around 18 years old ^_^

After that, it's up to you what you do with them :P

::WARNING! Captivity within a handheld may lead to serious mental problems!::

(I'll be working on a patch to fix this)

Oh, and it'll need a 256mb SMC if you want to be able to fit the 'lonely cheerleader' module.
ahh, but retroid, dont you see? my 100% completely totally real, it isnt a photoshop at all image of my 100% completely totally real, it isnt a photoshop at all emulator proves that a 100% completely totally real, it isnt a photoshop at all emulatro exists!