Darts GP32 v0.4 suggestion list


Certified Idiot :)
Jan 11, 2004
London, UK
NOTE: Originally posted at gp32emu, gp32x forums are more popular than mine so hopefully should get some decent feedback here.

I stopped coding on GP32 to move over to coding on the Zodiac but seeing as Tapwave are still lagging on sending out Zodiacs internationally and the joystick problems I have decided to do a bit more coding on GP32 until I have a Zodiac in my hands.

Now onto the point of this post. People seemed fairly happy with Darts GP32 so I have decided to continue working on it. What I am thinking about doing is adding CPU AI to the game and a few other things I originally planned such as a Tournament mode, other types of darts games etc and more commentry speech. CPU AI will be my main aim to get working but this will be my first go at writing AI so I dont know how good it will be.


So what I want is some ideas or suggestions to add/fix in the next release. Please reply with any suggestions you have. There is no guarantees that your idea will be added but I will consider them all. If you havent played Darts GP32 before you can download it by clicking here.
Good to hear that you continue this project. Its an awesome game.

Heres a fix you can do: Sometimes when i play in singleplayermode the game keeps on continuing even i reached 0 Points. The Commantary always says "you require" without saying a number.
this is great news - darts is one of few to reside permanently on the smc

anyway, dont have much to add - other than the tournament mode would be *fantastic*

has anyone ever gotten a 9-dart finish on 501 ? does it say anything if you do this like it does for 180 ?

bullseye scrolling across when you hit one would be good...
Darts is always on my GP32 also, and I have recently got into Yahtzee after playing real Yahtzee a lot over xmas.

The features I would most like to see, you have already mentioned - additional darts variation games and CPU AI to play against. My favourate darts variation is called Cricket, so I would like to see that in there.

On the 2 player game, I think the game should pause between each players go so that you have time to pass the GP32 over to someone without it starting at a very shaky hand for the first dart. Maybe this could be an option, as you can avoid this by pressing the Start button after your go if you remember.

One bug in the current version is that you cannot score on treble 9, it just ignores the dart and does not say the score or give you any points.
you should add the game where you have to hit the number's in order...(forget what it's called)....
so glad to hear you are working on this again as i think it's so cool....cheer's.
Welcome back Guyfawkes! well i think darts is perfect. but anyway can you please finish your WinGP program? I think if you finish it it will be the best FW thingy for the rest of the GP32's era. so just take this under consideration...please.
you should add the game where you have to hit the number's in order...(forget what it's called)....
so glad to hear you are working on this again as i think it's so cool....cheer's.

Heard it called both Round the World and Round the Clock.

I agree, that would be cool.
Welcome back Guyfawkes! well i think darts is perfect. but anyway can you please finish your WinGP program? I think if you finish it it will be the best FW thingy for the rest of the GP32's era. so just take this under consideration...please.
how i agree with that.....wingp could be so cool if finished.
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you should add the game where you have to hit the number's in order...(forget what it's called)....
so glad to hear you are working on this again as i think it's so cool....cheer's.
i think it's also called 'killer'

and yes also to wingp - slick

edit - if you consider a bullseye scroll or something when you hit one - are you in the uk ? it would be a scream for me if jim bowen was to say something with the bully popping out of the middle of the board... man that would be class... scuse the beers....

edit again - maybe at the end of each round of the tournament there could be prizes ! "innnnnn one" - "it's a soup blender"... "iinnnnnn two" - "it's a luxury fondant set" etc.. ;) what is a fondant anyway lol

sorry about this - you need to have seen the uk darts quiz program called 'bullseye' - cracks me up
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Thanks for the suggestions so far, keep them coming.

Horscht - Are you using the latest v0.3 version, this problem *should* have been fixed. Please let me know and I will put in a check to remove this problem if needed.

Magic Knight - Good ideas, I will add something special for 9 dart finish for 501 score and maybe something for a bullseye.

scottm - I tried an horizontal bar before and it didnt feel right. I could always add this as a user selectable option though.

WhizzBang - No idea how I missed the treble 9! I will fix that. I will also add a pause screen when switching between players.. probably a current score summary screen.

whodahell600 and shotaway - WinGP is now closed and wont be worked on. There is too much work to do on that.

Magic Knight - Everyone in UK knows Bullseye ;) I thought about doing the bullseye theme tune for the title screen but it would increase the filesize too much, if you know of any .MOD files please let me know. Using a 'bullseye' sample is possible but it would not fit in with the other speech, I will have a think about that.

In regards to the other game types which people suggested, if you take a look at http://www.rules-of-darts.com I will be adding the games listed there which should cover all the ones requested.

Please keep the suggestions coming.
I didnt get my gp32 yeat (should be comming today) Darts is one of the games I look foward to. It looks great.

2 suggestions.. More game variations (you covered this one already)

and maybe 2 player via RF???? Is this in there already? if not is it hard to code for this?

Would be a neat feature.
Well first definetly I think you should add tournament play with CPU AI.
It wud b cool if you cud add music maybe for different players or special music if you hit a 9 dart finish!
Possibly maybe this is too soon but a carrer mode where you earn cash from playing tournaments and you go to different venues around the UK leading upto the final venue of the World championship.
Also another idea would be a challenge chart in which theres set tasks for you to complete like for example 9 dart finish, winning the world championship and maybe going round the board in say less than 25 darts etc.

Just a few ideas I understand some of them maybe too complicated at the moment but just ideas.
dont know if its already been suggested but -

A Great thing for V0.4 release would be when you get 180 the guy should go "OONNEEE HUNNDREDD ANDDDD EIGHTYYYY" like on the TV maybe record the actual guy that says "180" off the TV :D hehe...

lol look at all these different posts

hope you are inspired mr guyfawkes - you coders need to give us all a little bit of time to just soak up what you do, it's too hard to give an immediate impression on something like this.. or the 'f' emu range.. or neogp... or or or....

hope this sort of vibe (i think there are 4 fucking threads - merge ??) shows all you coders that we love your arse !

nice to hear from you here and djwillis over with the scumm stuff - all you coders should all stick your heads out and say hit me with it !! bring it on

and to the reviews bloke saying yes to bully - damn right yes to bully ! popping out of the middle ! and maybe version 9 with the 'innnnnn one' prize thang ! i cant wait for this game to even get fixed a little bit and what a laugh these threads are - come on down jim bowen !!!
I released a small but important update to my homegrown game Darts GP32. It fixes two things, first is the bug when scoring a treble 11, treble 8 and treble 5, the second is a bug when scoring double 5.

I will start work on the next proper version of Darts hopefully tonight or tomorrow so this new release should be fully working until v0.4 is finished.

You can download v0.3.1 by clicking here. If you spot any other bugs let me know by replying here.
Some good news! I started work on the next version of Darts yesterday. As mentioned a few days ago the first thing I wanted to do was the CPU AI, I havent done any AI before so I was not looking forward to it. After a few hours of thinking up some ideas and experimenting I have got the AI working to a very good level!

At the moment the AI will play a perfect 9 dart finish on a 501 starting score or a perfect game from whatever score it starts at. So I need to add some stuff to dumb him down for the difficulty.

I am tempted to make a release as soon as the AI is finished as people have been begging for a CPU opponent but I have decided that I will make version 4 a big release with many changes like version 2 was. No screenshots today as it looks exactly the same as v0.3.1 but once I get started on the Tournament mode I will post some.

Also I will be needing some help with some graphics soon, in particular some Avatars which people can choose for their character in the game, I will post more information about this soon.