"Google Bombing"

I remember a time when if you searched "go to hell" on Google, the first website that would come up would be:

"Microsoft: Where would you like to go today?"

No, I'm not kidding. :P

Other examples of Googlery... search:

"weapons of mass destruction"
"french military victories" (click "I'm feeling lucky" for both of them)

I just know that people will be offended by that last one. I would if I were French! ;)
thats genius i loved the french military victories one :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
o_O... I've had an idea... lets all google bomb the word "best handheld" to www.gp32x.de... Anyone who has a personal site/blog/whatever, link to GP32x with the words "best handheld" :)
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esn, have you read the description of the gp32 on that link?

"Absolutely the world's best handheld gaming console with Internet Capability
▶ Online Internet game, Web Browsing (HTML), E-Mail"

wtf? :huh: