GP32 Java Games on GP32?


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2003
my first post here, so don't flame.
there's a trials game made by DNA.
it's a Java game, and when i sell my neo geo pc and get a GP32, that's the first game I'll want to run on it.
thnx for any help

btw, Steve-O, what up! when i saw your sig on here, i thought i was on rcz, cause the colors are similar, and had to double check the url :p
Well, i know that there's emulators and such, so i guess i'm looking for a Java emulator
i saw that there was a JVM emulator, but do you know the game i'm talking about? do you know if it will work with that game on JVM?
thnx again
There's no JVM for the gp32, so no java apps will work at all. There is something similar but it only supports a subset of java commands. But more to the point, I'm very familiar with Trials (excellent game) but I can't see the original version ever working on the gp32 (even if there was a JVM) 'cos I've seen the game almost bring a PII 400 crashing to it's knees :(. There's supposed to be a pocket pc version but I've never played that and I don't know if that version was coded in java.
damn :(
it was worth a shot i guess. and i know what you mean "crashing to it's knees"..
my 2500+/768mb computer sometimes get's "jitters" from that game..
dunno why, cause every other game i've played (including N64 emu's) work like a dream.
thnx for the reply. and lmk in the future if anything comes of the pocket version or w/e it is...
Lol this must be a joke no one else knows abooyu this game but mwwwwwwwwwwa!Lol it is a joke right ps i ready posted about this and ps i completed the pro level wid only 70 points!!