Any dutch people on this board?


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003
To the dutch people on this board:

Any tips on where to find the cheapest SmartMedia cards in Holland?
Dutchie here! :P

Im getting my SMC from

39 euro for 128 mb!

Offcourse you have to pay shipping too but it's very near to me so i can just pick it up at their office :D
Hi gasten,

Do you guys know if the smartmedia cards from Dane-Elec are any good? They are very cheap though only 33 euro for 128 mb :lol:
Maybe us dutch GP32 peoples should organize a GP32 meet to play and stuff? :)
Sounds great but I don't have a gp32 yet :( I think it's a bit difficult to arrange, but you never know. Maybe it's better to make a dutch gp32 website first (for expanding the dutch community etc.) and then arrange something. That would be so cool :D
Sounds like an idea! If anyone wants to help out organise, mail me at I can set up a meeting website and such.

I think it's best to make a smaller meeting first, within the netherlands? I suggest our german and belgian friends do the same, to get to know each other better. And then we oughtta try a bigger, european meeting. Heck, maybe even have craig visit? :)
DrJ, perhaps a meeting in an amusementpark (Efteling, 6Flags, WB Movieworld) would be an idea. That way we'll prevent from playing with our GP32 all the time ;) , and it might allow younger people to come as well.
Sounds like a good idea. Which park though? I live in Delft, myself, and I can only come by public transport.

If I can get to it tonight, or tomorrow, I'll set up a small site about this meeting. Please PM me with ideas and suggested meeting dates.
Hi all, another Dutchy from Noord-Holland as well. And, if I may say so, if it wasn't for me DrJones wouldn't be here in the first place. ;)