My P4M is most definitely not silent...if you load something with a lot of juice, like MAME...oh kicks in....louder than the desktop. Not to mention it goes into crotch scorching mode.
The extension cord on a TFT monitor would be the same as on a CRT monitor. The signal won't get weaker as such I don't think.
Dunno about wireless USB hubs, but it's technologically possible. Maybe slow, but possible. Extensions I assume are possible.
Also I don't think TFT is any quieter than normal monitors, unless you have like some kind of super noise making screen, in which case yes.

But of course, they're very good. People say they suck for games because they blur, but honestly...the old ones did, laptop screens still do sometimes, but this new LCD monitor/tv combo I got the other day? It's next to my laptop, and you can see the quality is so much better. And that laptop was damn expensive, not that old, and the screen is damn good for a laptop screen. Either technology improved that fast, or the laptop saves power by being crappier. (you can only really notice it on clashing colors...I use the default marquee background with pink text saying "Your text goes here.", blurs a lot on laptop, completely legible on LCD)
What's the difference between this, which claims it is LCD, and a monitor which is TFT, anyway? I thought all LCD screens were TFT now anyway...