Just how accurate is GeePee32?


Apr 11, 2003
Carlisle, United Kingdom, European Union
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Hello ^_^

Well, after quite a bit of looking I've finally got myself a copy of makesmc, so I'm about to go about creating my 'virtual GP32' as a test of whether I should buy one.

Question is... just how accurate is this emu? Does it sound the same, handle the speed of the CPU in the same way to the real thing? Wondering about the speed issue as it's always been stated on GBA pages that the actual hardware copes with some software differently (thinking specifically about NES & Spectrum emulation there).

The GP32 is definately a class piece of kit, one I've been following closely since the first specs & concept photos were released on the 'net, and I think the straw that broke the moron's back was the recent port of Frodo.

A portable C64? Wizball on the bus? Try to hold me back :D
I've never tried GeePee, but from what I've heard 1) Some software may not run at all and 2) most emus/games run MUCH slower on it than on an actual GP32. Someone with some experience confirm or correct me please!

As for wizball, that's one game I haven't gotten working yet, but I've only tried two images, probably bad ones :).
It just so happens, I've spent about the last 12 hours messing around with Frodo on both a real GP32 and GeePee.

One of the examples I'm using for my unofficial Frodo FAQ is Wonderboy. Oddly enough, Wizball is on the same disk (alphabetical collection), so I'll try it out while I'm posting here.

Using Frodo and a real GP32, Wonderboy ran 100% accurately, complete with sound on.

Using Frodo running on GeePee, the emulator locked up twice while playing Wonderboy. I haven't played *that* many games with GeePee, but I can tell you with the 3 or 4 I've done so far, all of them run at 25%-33% of the speed that GP32 runs them at. For benchmarks, I have a 1.7ghz Dell with 512 meg of ram.

Wonderboy and Yie Ar Kung-Fu both ran 100% on GP/Frodo, with full sound. My copy of Wizball did not work either.

Darn, you had me hoping for a minute... I had a couple of t64 images, hadn't found a disk image yet :)
Wizball update: Wizball runs 100% speed/sound on Frodo beta 8. Not sure what the difference it, but it works awesomely!
