Hi i just reed about the Speccyal K emu and it said something about Z80. Does that meen that i can run games like wonderboy, bubble bobble, 1942 and the other Z 80 games or is it just a z80 spectrum model. :rolleyes:
The Spectrum computer models use a Z80 cpu like many other computers / arcade games. You cannot obviously run an arcade rom (base on the z80 cpu) on the spectrum directly because the hardware is totally different but there are ports made on the spectrum for many of the well-known arcade games.
Very interesting. Reminds us that we should be thankful for these guys who spend their own time to port emus to various platforms. I remember somebody moaning about the xbox pc engine emulator hugo-x saying that they could not understand it not being able to run games as well as magic engine on the pc.
What he did not understand is that the emu porter had ported the open source emulator hugo (which I believe has partly been used in GPEngine) as Magic Engine is a commercial emu and obviously does not have its source freely available.
I'm thinking of getting a gp32_console and I need some stuff answered.
1: Are the NGPC emulators 90% - 100% in speed?
2: What's SMS EMulation Like?
3: Are GB/GBC and NES emulated well?
4: Can different EMulators be stored on one Smartmedia?
5: Can you used Zipped files?
6: What's a Good Price for a Normal gp32_console? Lik-sang have them for 149 and goldenshop 159. are thse good prices?
1. The only NGPC emulator that is available is about full speed WITHOUT sound. The compatibility is okay, but some games don't work. Keep in mind that we haven't heard any news from this emu in months.
2. Pretty much perfect. Full speed with sound and great compatibility.
3. Nes is perfect. GB/GBC are perfect. Full speed with sound plus great compatibility with both.
4. Yes.
5. For some, but not for all.
6. A good price for a normal non-flu gp32 is $150.
Does it use less processing power to emulate sound at lower sample rates? For instance, if an emulator only emulated mono 11khz would it use a lot less processing power that stereo at 44khz?
How about if certain sound channels are disabled (like in GPEngine)?
What I'm getting at is that a bit of sound in an emu is better than none even if it was fairly low quality. For the emus that are pushing the GP32 to it's limits perhaps the option to reduce sound quality would be a good idea?