Life Sucks


Still Fresh
May 6, 2003
Guess what my car got broken into :( they nicked my stereo ,£5 and my Beloved Gp32 if i find them I kill them at least i still have my non FLU unit don't suppose theres a mod to make it a FLU unit yet is there


That REALLY sucks. It seems like GP32's are a very popular item to be stolen :wacko:
Well at least i've got all my SMC's i always pocket them when i don't use my Gp32
The irony...

A regularly visit another forum for an "alternative" club - and there is a new post of someone being robbed!
yeah mine was snaged at school earlier on in the year a long with a case rechargable batteries and a 128mb smc. Unlike you I don't have a second gp32 to fall back on so I'm done.
Yes, I just fried my Fiances Toasty Teddy in the microwave for a little longer than it should have and melted half of its head, she's pmsing and needed it for cramps, boy am i in trouble now.... :P