My new GP32 Homepage is 90% finished!


Oct 26, 2003
Germany -> Niedersachsen -> Ostfriesland -&g
At first in english:
My new german GP32 is nearly finished, so I need some opinions and some posts to my site in my forum or here!
Only GP32 tools and reviews are missing....

which address do you like most? Am I hurting any copyrights??
I'm looking forward to see some hits!
And now in german:

Endlich ist meine neue Seite fertig! *Freu* Es wäre schön wenn ihr euch die Seite mal anseht und eure Meinung bei mir ins Forum schreibt. Es fehlen nur noch die GP32 Tools und Reviews, sonst ist soweit alles fertig.

Welche Adresse mögt ihr am liebsten? Verletze ich irgendwelche Copyrights??
Ich freue mich auf euren Besuch!
Du solltest auf jeden Fall weglassen. ;) gp32zone - wenn es noch keine solche seite gibt - wär am besten.

schönes design, könnte mehr sektionen und content vertragen, aber das kommt sicher noch ;)

and now in english:

you shouldnt use, since it was hando's idea... gp32zone would be the best - if theres no other site already named like that.

nice design. could use more sections and content but im sure thats
going to change, huh?
very nice... but could you add little screenshots to the download list so ppl can see what the freeware games / ports lok like ?
Ich find gp32handheld am besten!
Bei gp32x denke ich genau so wie Hanuka.

Sehr schöne Seite.
Es ist allerdings ein bißchen komisch wenn man etwas runterladen will (z.B.: Freeeware Games, das dann ein neues Fenster aufpoppt.
Schon mal drüber nachgedacht, dass im mainframe laden zu lassen? Fänd ich besser.

Aber ansonsten ziemlich cool!
Yeeeha, you like my site! It was a lot of work and more content is added as soon as possible. (when I'm back out of the hospital in two weeks)
I also like most - So I think this will be the domain. Besides "" domains are for free, that's why it take them.
To those who can't understand the language: I don't want to be a rival to - but I'm happy that you like the design.
Hope you look back in again!

I'm looking forward to get some improvement recommendations

Auf deutsch:

Ich freue mich dass ihr meine Seite leiden mögt! Es war bisher auch schon ne Menge Arbeit und ich werde natürlich noch mehr Inhalt hinzufügen, sobald ich aus dem Krankenhaus wieder raus bin.
Ich glaube ich entscheide mich für die Domain - "" Domains sind umsonst ( deshalb nehme ich die immer.
Mhhh bei mir poppt kein extra-Fenster auf, wenn ich bei freeware etwas runterladen will. Aber Freeware wird auch noch umgebaut, so dass jeder Eintrag auch mit Screenshot zu sehen ist. Wie bei Ports...
Ich hoffe dass ihr treue Fans meiner Seite werdet und mal wieder reinschaut!

Freue mich natürlich über Verbesserungsvoschläge.
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Yes, the site kicks ass, visually and with content!


GP32Zone is also taken, lol, however it was only used for the GP32x meetup and I think Axeman plans to put some photos on it etc. I don't think he'd really care if you used

Whatever the case don't use gp32handheld, it's too long :)
Nice site :) Keep working. It is good that new sites about GP are showing up. More sities means more people will hear about our great handheld and it also make other sities to keep imrpoving what reminds me that this is time for some layout changes on gp32x ;))

At the end one suggestion - if i were you i would remove this java headlines applet - it is really not necessary.
And one little error to correct - in GAMES section you have wrong frame targeting.
But beside this - really good work.
EOF :)
THX Hando!

...this means a lot to me. I got my GP32 one month ago and can't keep my hands from it. It's the best handheld I ever had, so I wanted to do something to make it more known. But I can't find the wrong frame targeting in games section. Where is the mistake? Till tuesday I can work on the site, then i have to go to the hospital for a week or two.
THX Hando!

...this means a lot to me. I got my GP32 one month ago and can't keep my hands from it. It's the best handheld I ever had, so I wanted to do something to make it more known. But I can't find the wrong frame targeting in games section. Where is the mistake? Till tuesday I can work on the site, then i have to go to the hospital for a week or two.
Gud luck. hope its nothin serious.
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Regarding error - seem it's OPERA problem. When chosing Games and then Freware or Ports it opens it in new window. Maybe it has something with iframes (hellish invention by M$ ;). Anyway other sections work well so i assume that GAMES must have some kind of error.
A hole in your lung? AAAAHH! :o If that happened to me i would kill myself (not really) because i play lacrosse, and im going pro :D (also not really) But lacrosse is the best sport ever. I play defense for IHC (NY) in case any one wants to know...
A hole in your lung? AAAAHH! :o If that happened to me i would kill myself (not really) because i play lacrosse, and im going pro :D (also not really) But lacrosse is the best sport ever. I play defense for IHC (NY) in case any one wants to know...
yeah, and im one hell of a pro quidditch player. its so cool, i crap my pants :lol: ;)

no, lacrosse is fun, but i think soccer is the best teamsport ;)
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hando said:
seem it's OPERA problem

Yes, i'm also using Opera. So i think it has to do with this!

Von mir auch gute Besserung! Fürs Krankenhaus haste dann mit dem gp ja was gegen die langeweile! :D
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Musst dich dank GPCinema dann ja auch nicht mehr um die Fernbedienung für den Fernseher im Krankenzimmer streiten :lol: das war immer fies, als ich früher im Krankenhaus war... sich mit 9-jährigen zu streiten ob man nun Terminator II oder Super RTL guckt... argh ;)

btw. i hope you dont mind our german conversations ;)