Matrix Revolutions Zero Hour Showing


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
I don't know about all you fellow GPer's. BUT I am going to the Matrix Zero Hour showing at 9am here in NY. What about all you other fellas??

I am so psyched for this...I can hardly breathe *Gasping* *Gasping*

Ok....maybe I am over reacting. BUT isn't anyone else the least bit excited, or am I the only techi-nerd who thinks this last Matrix film is going to kick @ss. :D :blink:

Tell me what you think ladies and gents.
I loved the first film.

I liked the second one when i first saw it, but over time it started to grate on me. I think it went up it's own ass with the whole "religious" bullcrap.

The whole thing that I enjoyed about the first was that it didn't take itself too seriously, but the second one really was ridiculous when you think about it.

I'll still watch the third, but they took all the steam out of my enthusiasm with a pretty shoddy second film.
i got tickets for the first showing here in the uk, its at 2pm not a bad time.

just finished watching matrix 1 +2 to get me in the mood.

i believe the 3rd film will make the 2nd a much better film, clearing up the unsolved questions.

i just can't wait................

well, I can definitely understand some peoples lack of enthusiasm because of the 2nd film. I admit it wasn't great. but I suppose I enjoyed it more than usual because of my educational background. I love philosophy. I majored in it in College, so I am one of those wierdos who sit aorund all day contemplating the meaning of life. *a.k.a : daydreaming.* ;)

But, at least for the first time I see it, Hopefully I won't anaylze it too much. I hope. B)

It should be good though...we shall you

Neo: "why can't I see what happens to her?"
Oracle: "We can never see past the choices we don't understand."

Neo: "What if I fail??"
Oracle: "Then Zion will fall."
I've watched matrix reloaded loads of times and even thought it didn't have the impact of the first film it left me with about 12625 theories about what is happening/will happen so for one I can't wait till I see which (if any) of my theories is correct.Got my ticket for the 20:00 showing tonight B) B) B)
I think what dissapointed me the most was that the second film cannot stand up on it's own.

With The Matrix, the first film ended perfectly and even though we all expected sequels, they didn't have to be made, because the film stands alone as an excellent film.

The second film cannot exist without the first or the second movie. It relies on both to even exist. Unlike a quality sequel like Aliens for example or Terminator 2. Both these films are great in their own right and can be watched and enjoyed independantly of the other films.

Anyway, I do enjoy the "series" but that is exactly the way I see it now. I don't see it as a trilogy, because I feel the best trilogys should have 3 independantly great movies.

Like I said, I'll still watch and I'll still enjoy. I am in the CG field, so I will certainly enjoy it for nothing more than special effects at the very least.
i am gonna go see it tommorw at 7:20

i hated the first one, but i will check this out anyway
Got my tickets for the 8.50pm showing on the largest screen in manchester. I would have gone to watch it at 2 but im working till 8 (bastard) i cant wait :D
well one thing that people don't rember/know is that 2&3 were ment to be one long ass movie, but it was split for 2x the profit.
No, the Matrix was always going to be a trilogy; the last two were just filmed together.

I can't see it anytime soon, too busy, but I'll watch it next week or so. I have been looking forward to it.

IMO Matrix 1 had philosophy but it was done subtly, without getting in the way of the action. Reloaded was more blatant with it, pretentious instead of interesting - example, Merovingian's useless blathering. The action was quite limited and many scenes were too long - Zion dancing, and the clones fight.

Revolutions unfortunately seems to follow the same pattern. I hear the first half is discussion and talking of the same brand as Merovingian's spiel, but the second half is all-out action. I'm sure it'll be a great movie but I'm disappointed that the Wachowski Bros. didn't achieve a balance similar to the original.

- Rico
Matrix II was a catastrophe. Where they wrote the script? At the fish'n'chips booth? At the moment as Neo had to kiss the witch to get something essential for his quest which I can't remember, I was supposed to switch the crap off. But the bullet-time explosion of the two trucks was cool. SpecialFX - good, story - absent.
IT WAS PRETTY BAD! The movie as a whole was ok, but ending S-U-C-K-E-D! IT was BUUULLSHIIT.

my 2c

EDIT: BTW, Trinity is so ugly. LoL, it was pretty funny tho when that one girls tit popped out at that dance thing (the whole theater laughed..)
It was a waste of a few hours, that's all I can say. I hate happy endings, then again I hate sad endings, it should have left us with something to think about. I kind of "what now" factor.
/me sees 15% fresh rating on RT (Cream of the crop)

/me reads horrible reviews on the board

/me listens to friends who spent 2 hours getting to the biggest cinema in the region to see it call it 'ok' instead of 'brilliant', and even that looks doubtful...

/me considers DivX-ing this instead of putting down £6 at our local over-priced theatre...
Well i thought it was good. I think people would b dissapointed at whatever came out due to the hype, but this last installment is pretty moving and certainly visually impressive. Its so different from the other 2 installments, partly because theres no where near as much kung fu but what is there is cool and the film is certainly not short of visually stunning effects. Theres a few bits that just make u think "oh god... how lame is that" (like the kid in the mech shooting the gate open saying "I believe in you neo :P"). But I would say that this nicely rounds off a very impressive trilogy. Iv been thinking about the film and the concepts and emotions brought to the screen for the last day and a bit since i saw it and I think that ill still be trying to unwind it in my head for some time. Id say its deffinately worth goin to the cinema to watch just because its so much more visually impressive. I doubt ill go to see it at the cinema again but Ill deffinately be getting it on dvd when it comes out. And probly stick it on my gp at some point :).

Now im looking forward to see the return of the king :D