my Overclocking results.

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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Hi, just thought id let you all know that with both the genesis emulator and snes emulator i was able to go up to 166mhz no higher.

EDIT : i am talking about overclocking the gp32 t osee how much i could get out of it using different versions of snes and genesis emulator telling the cpu to run at different speeds, you can download these at This website.

that is a 33mhz increase over the original speed, not groundbreaking but i am pleased with the result, especially because the highest step up next is 180mhz so i am glad that i got that close at least. I tried the 172 + 180mhz versions but im afraid my Gp32 refused to do anything and as soon as i loaded up the emu/rom it would freeze and crash.

But i am pleased with the result of 33mhz increase and im not sure if this actually makes alot of difference, but in bomberman with skip frames set to 4 it is almost full speed and very playable, sonic runs at 23-25 fps.

Just one gripe about the snes emulator, the graphics always flickery slightly so i hope this is fixed in next version. :D
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 22 2003 at 08:30 AM said:
Hi, just thought id let you all know that with both the genesis emulator and snes emulator i was able to go up to 166mhz no higher.

that is a 33mhz increase over the original speed, not groundbreaking but i am pleased with the result, especially because the highest step up next is 180mhz so i am glad that i got that close at least. I tried the 172 + 180mhz versions but im afraid my Gp32 refused to do anything and as soon as i loaded up the emu/rom it would freeze and crash.

But i am pleased with the result of 33mhz increase and im not sure if this actually makes alot of difference, but in bomberman with skip frames set to 4 it is almost full speed and very playable, sonic runs at 23-25 fps.

Just one gripe about the snes emulator, the graphics always flickery slightly so i hope this is fixed in next version. :D
Sorry but I think I'm missin out on somethin. What did ya do to get the 33Mhz increase? I dun think I heard about what was gonna be done to get the "Results" :unsure:
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Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 22 2003 at 09:30 AM said:
Just one gripe about the snes emulator, the graphics always flickery slightly so i hope this is fixed in next version. :D
there is no next version
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What about that SNES9x that was submitted to gp32 spain compo? Isnt that the true final public which has yet to be published after their little party thing? Or am I just getting myself lost? :wacko:
GP32 Kirby posted on Oct 22 2003 at 10:53 AM said:
What about that SNES9x that was submitted to gp32 spain compo? Isnt that the true final public which has yet to be published after their little party thing? Or am I just getting myself lost? :wacko:
that is the same version as has been released previously. :(
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:( I just hope someone brings out a good public SNES emulator by the end of this year, or early 2004 at the latest, I cant wait much longer :blink:
someone mentioned zsnes before... the gp32 scene right now reminds me of the pre v1.0 zsnes days... ah, i miss those days... ;) anyway my point was that zsnes contained a lot of assembly language and couldn't be nearly as easily ported to gp32 (it would have to be rewritten...) um. i think...
NiN^_^NiN posted on Oct 22 2003 at 11:50 PM said:
zsnes released a c++ version to the public a while ago without the asm in it iirc
And AFAIK that one is even slower than Snes9x (pc version)
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GP32 Kirby posted on Oct 22 2003 at 04:54 AM said:
:( I just hope someone brings out a good public SNES emulator by the end of this year, or early 2004 at the latest, I cant wait much longer :blink:
Rlyeh said he is going to work on fSNES and hopefully yoyo's secret project is a snes emulator.
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none of those work for me, they just gome up as blank screens,

is there anything i have to do to GET them to work?
currently im learning asm so for my first project ill work on trying to port zsnes or maby quake. but if you guys dont hear from me bout this in about a month or so its cause i have given up lol
Porting from x86 Assembly to ARM9 Assembly would result in fast code, but it would take so much time that it really wouldn't be worth it. It's far better to port from C/C++ and optimize in assembly from there.
Yes, porting ASM is almost impossible because it is processor specific. This means that porting zsnes would be harder than re-writing it, becuase thats essentially what your doing. -_- Too bad.