Excited bout gp32.

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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i just ordered my GP32 after hearing so many good things about it, it cost £202 in total because i wanted the frontlit one with 128mb storage card.

I'm wondering how long it would be before we see emu's running most ( if not all ) games full speed?. i should probably think that if an emu is being rewritten totally then it will take time, but ported ones just need code optimizations? if not any.. im not totally sure. But i know one thing, i hope this thing turns out to be way better than the GBA if not ive wasted quite alot of money and ill cry :rolleyes: . but yeh seriously ill be dissapointed

It should be here tomorow, i want it now ;)
you've made a good choice...
i make a lot of long distance trip's....and as i don't drive i can play game's...listern to music or watch a film or two...versatility at it's best...................
Most emulators are full speed, the main ones that aren't are SNES and Genesis. But noth of these are being worked on, so who knows what could happen :blink:
I hope it turns out for the best, for genesis and snes emu's that is.

Just one question though, how come this unit isnt available in any shops? is it because their only selling them in korea and they get imported to a store online only?
Currently they are only available in Korea, but it is being launched in Europe in the first week of November :D
I hope the launch of GP32 i Europe will be a success!
Nintendo really need some competition in the handheld videogame market.
Long live Gamepark in my opinion! :)
Hmm.. now that i think about it, is it bad that i bought a korean version? or at least i think..

Because i read things about european versions having internet etc.. will this affect anything on mine in the slightest?
It's not going to be a problem. The only difference between the Korean and European version will be the BIOS, which can easily be updated on the Korean models anyway :D
You will not be disappointed if:
1) You like vintage gaming
2) You like to fiddle around with hardware
If you expect emulation of GBA / Genesis / SNES etc. forget it for now and check back in six or twelve months.
As soon as you receive it start by running Little John GP (NES emulator), the GPEngine (Turbografix / PCEngine emulator), GP Doom (the Doom conversion) and, as a commercial game, I recommend Pinball Dreams. If you start with that and are not satisfied I doubt the GP32 will be for you. ;)
phoda posted on Oct 8 2003 at 05:23 PM said:
As soon as you receive it start by running Little John GP (NES emulator)
LOL download the super mario 3 bros. rom and litle john and you will be more than happy with this masterpiece from gamepark. At the time you found all secrets the're will be plenty of more good stuf aviable for the GP32 :-P

The GP32 is growing just like my pokemons @ my GP32 :D
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yeah i think mario bros 3 is great.
I dont have a problem with the original doom it should be quite
fun especially on handheld and a screen that seems alot bigger to play on :)
i like fiddling around with hardware. I now have to watch that i dont try to overclock the system either, dont want what happend to my pc last year to happen to this especially because it cost 200 quid. I set the wrong voltage switch and blam! dead motherboard oh well thats another story to tell eh :lol:

Ill use batteries will i need a power converter or whatever you call it since its an import? dont want to bow the system up if i try plugging it into the mains.

I cannot damage anything trying games on it right? some places say that games operate at different cpu frequency. whats this about? :blink:
OK the gp32 can run at 40mhz 66mhz and 133mhz

Games and apps that use 40 or 60 mhz make the batteries last longer than 133mhz

So the lower the clock speed the longer batteries last :)

But some things need 133mhz like emulators etc.

it wont hurt the machine so dont worry :)

Also you only need a mains adapter that outputs 3v at 500mA

you can use 1 that outputs anywere between 300mA and 1000mA altho u should stay as low as possible on the mA (milliamps) side.

Oh you should get a power supply that lets you change the plug around as you might buy 1 that has the + and - on the wrong pins.

yo Shadow, Im also excited about getting my GP32, however i have to save up..Img eteting a Flu aswell.

You from the UK. Cos you mentioned £......
Indeed i am from the uk, i just had a bit of spare cash. i am 18 years old and i seriously love games :) especially FPS.

In fact i only knew about this machine properly the day i ordered it.. i always hoped there would be a handheld which would play just about anything you wanted and it can do far more! play mp3's and divx!! very neat sounding and i still havent recieved my order ( should be definatly here within the next 10 hours :D ) but ill be in bed so i suppose my dad will answer the door :lol:

I'm slightly worried about the FPS of movies of divx though, real ones run at 23?? 25 fps i think pal is 25 or something. i only read that gp32 players only run them at 10-15fps, whether their only just begun development is another thing im unsure of but still.. we'll see