
never seen a topic called this. (sarcasm)

Anyway some programs offer the option to overclock.... Gpengine and NeoGeo pocket emulator. You can also d/l specific overclocked emulators here

However, be warned, some GP32's are not able to go above 133mhz... so good luck.

ps- it is still not known if it is 100% safe to overclock, so do so at your own risk.

Overclocking is software controlled, some programs like GPDoom and GPEngine allow you to overclock within the game menu, but most others don't. I have overclocked versions of SnesEmu, GenEmu and Snes9xGp at various speeds on my site GP32 World. remember to start with a low speed (140Mhz) and work your way up. The highest recorded working speed is 166Mhz, but I have emulators available at higher speeds if you want to risk trying them :D