GP2X Regions Of Rgb Layer


Dec 31, 2005
Paris (fr)
Hi y'all gurus !

According to the specs, region 5 is the 'background' region of the RGB layer. That is, if regions 1 to 4 are disabled and region 5 is enabled alone, you should have the whole screen covered by the RGB data.

Anyway, all the code Ive found consider the region 1 as the background, and actually disable all regions but the region 1.

I've tried to enable region 5 only (letting regions positions and sizes as their default value, that are zeros), and the screen remained black.

So, apparently, this is the other way around : region 1 is the background region of the still image, and region 5 should be the upper region.

Is this a bug in the specs, or did I misunderstood something ?
rixed posted on May 18 2006 at 11:01 PM said:
Hi y'all gurus !

According to the specs, region 5 is the 'background' region of the RGB layer. That is, if regions 1 to 4 are disabled and region 5 is enabled alone, you should have the whole screen covered by the RGB data.

Anyway, all the code Ive found consider the region 1 as the background, and actually disable all regions but the region 1.

I've tried to enable region 5 only (letting regions positions and sizes as their default value, that are zeros), and the screen remained black.

So, apparently, this is the other way around : region 1 is the background region of the still image, and region 5 should be the upper region.

Is this a bug in the specs, or did I misunderstood something ?
fbcon uses region 1 exclusively and disables all others. That's probably because if for any reason (eg. video player) wants to have a smaller region visible it can. Region 5 is full-screen only with no ability to restrict it's size.
Did you enable AND activate region 5? And disable AND deactivate the other regions? A higher (numerically less) region that is enabled (in MLC_OVLAY_CNTR) and deactive (in MLC_STL_CNTL) will have it's area blanked totally (all lower regions and layers will not be visilble).
Disabling the region turns that regions processing off and any lower enabled regions will appear.
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paeryn posted on May 19 2006 at 01:34 AM said:
Did you enable AND activate region 5? And disable AND deactivate the other regions? A higher (numerically less) region that is enabled (in MLC_OVLAY_CNTR) and deactive (in MLC_STL_CNTL) will have it's area blanked totally (all lower regions and layers will not be visilble).

Thank you, I was not aware of MLC_OVLAY_CNTR !

It should be OK now.
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