gxe to fxe


Lolita Porn Star
Mar 19, 2003
It'd be kind of cool to have some kind of gxe to fxe converter, so you could do commercial games on windups.
I just wish a better version would come out soon, although I believe, but don't quote me on this, that Guyfawkes is creating a new program called GPWin I think, and it will be like a new bios or something. He said he may release a fist version around Christmas. He said he likes to make more complete versions instead of just getting things out quickly. ;)
Wouldn't be any trouble if WindUps could just run the encrypted gxe-files for the specific machine.
VirtuaLeech posted on Sep 15 2003 at 08:08 AM said:
just hope windups will eventually decode gxe files.
This would also mean that WindUps would "crack" GP32 security and could be in serious trouble.
PacRom cracks it. I don't think that there is a BIOS function 'RunGxe' or is there??
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Pacrom reads GXE files, but doesn't read ones encrypted wrongly (just try encoding a freelauncher with a different PDUID than your own and see what happens if you run it in Pacrom). Ergo, it has GXE compatibility, NOT a GXE --> FXE converter. Ther former is a very useful thing that I urge all programmers to put into their bioses; the latter is a byword for warez.

That said, they may use the same bits of code as it were. Just one's for a very good purpose, the other isn't...