Setting Up Usb->serial On Nand? (noob)


Still Fresh
Mar 20, 2006
Washington, USA (but I still love you)
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Hello, I currently have my gp2x setup with the Serial over USB driver so I can connect via Windows XP (hyperterminal). Everything works fine.. but I do have some questions if someone would be so kind as to help me =)

1. Is it possible to run the gadget serial driver on the NAND memory?

2. If so, can I then 'unmount' the SD card while the device is running, copy files over via PC SD adapter, and then re-mount without having to power cycle the GP2X?

3. When using the serial connection (via USB OR true serial), can I enter debugging mode? Ie: can I set breakpoints and step through code? (is this what this JTAG thing is?? im confused).

4. Once I get and modify my Samsung E810 cable ($5 ebay), can I run the serial connection at the same time as USB? If so, this would avoid the need to unmount the SD card etc. etc?

5. Any examples of doing fast fixed-point math on the ARM core?

6. Is there possibly any cooler device than the Gp2X? This is not question :) Once getting the serial connection up, and seeing the $bash prompt.. I realized just how awesome the GP2X is. I love it! =)

Please move this message if this is the wrong forum, thanks for any help!

Matt Sweeney
Portland, OR, USA
sorry, i dont have the time right now to answer in detail, but a quick answer to many of your "problems" is: firmware 2.0
Vimacs posted on Apr 28 2006 at 08:36 AM said:
sorry, i dont have the time right now to answer in detail, but a quick answer to many of your "problems" is: firmware 2.0

Thanks for the fast response tho, I just noticed the 2.0 firmware was released - I hope it will still support using Serial driver over USB!

It seems that almost no-one in the US has the GP2x or is at all interested in it.. all people I have conversed with so far are outside the US. This does not suprise me, as since moving here from the UK I noticed very little interest in homebrew development and hacking in general. People here just want to play games it seems.

Booo =(
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firmware 2.0.0 has telnet capability. so i ditched the serial usb gadget thingie and i basicly log on with telnet. then i just kill the menu and run my programs. (if u don't kill the menu it will be displayed in the background and it'll be running twice when u quit ure program).

so it also has ftp support & samba support so u can now just ftp to ure gp2x to transfer the files or goto \\\gp2x to copy files (2 ways of doing it). and u don't have to turn on / off the power anymore to transfer ure files and have a bash prompt at the same time

its far easier then what u want to do :)

for entering debugging mode & setting breakpoints download gdb debugger from the archive.