=the Official Wanted Section=


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Please sell me your SONY PSP games that you no longer have need for at a reasonable price.

I am only interested in new/used SONY PSP games that are marked with;

Region 2 (R2) and FOR JAPAN ONLY on the back of the PSP case.

Note: If you're interested in selling to me, then please let me know and I'll let you know whether I already have that particular game or not. Thanks in advance.
nothing really.... :unsure:

I guess you are not pleased.... :huh:

If that is the case, please edit my thread and remove the word "Official" from the title. ;)

Thanks in advance. :)
if anybody, preferably US seller has a TG-16 they'd like to sell for maybe $20 shipped, i'll take it off your hands. Also, i'll take Atari 5200 games off your hands for $1 a piece, plus whatever shipping, as long as its reasonable. PM me with a list of games, I'll only buy the ones i don't own already.
TelcoLou posted on Apr 17 2006 at 01:57 PM said:
This is Marketplace forum. You can post misc post about selling/buying etc thinsg related to GP32.


I think we better shut down those GP2X threads which have been littering this forum!
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i'm guessing this is a wanted page for anything...

well then..

My list of want's (all arcade related):

Namco Supersysem 22 power supply
Silverline control panels
Sega model 2 pcb's (working or not)
namco system 11, 12, 22, ss22 pcb's working or not
ZNX capcom boards working or not
Tekken 2 dedi