Just Found Out The Gp2x Is To Stop Production...

The original BLU had a Samsung screen. The new BLU+ had a cheaper Taiwanese screen (which some say was actually better than the original?)
nem posted on Apr 8 2006 at 09:02 AM said:
The original BLU had a Samsung screen. The new BLU+ had a cheaper Taiwanese screen (which some say was actually better than the original?)

Yeah, my BLU+ looks brighter than the BLU... On the other hand it also gets slight diagonal wavy lines on some games/emus, so I guess it's a tradeoff.
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nem posted on Apr 8 2006 at 10:02 AM said:
The original BLU had a Samsung screen. The new BLU+ had a cheaper Taiwanese screen (which some say was actually better than the original?)
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Jarska333 posted on Apr 7 2006 at 06:06 PM said:
To be fair, it's not natural to assume, that others speak to their consoles too...

My precioussss...
Don't forget that nickspoon has already made one third of the speaking to your GP2X package with flite, now all we need is voice regognition and a chat bot (Errr... yeah :p )
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