Gizmondo Story In Mail On Sunday


Mega GP Mania
Feb 3, 2003
Dunno if anyone else saw it but the mail on sunday had a huge article on the scandal of Gizmondo (4 pages). Had all the details mafia, the cars, the vanishing money, the massive losses. Really funny read.

Will scan in if i can find my scanner.
craigix posted on Apr 4 2006 at 12:35 AM said:
Will scan in if i can find my scanner.
Was it nicked by a gizmondo exec?

I think I might start my own mafia-funded vapourware company. Sounds like fun
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I want the limited edition set that comes with a piece of the wrecked Enzo Ferrari :P
DaveC posted on Apr 4 2006 at 05:48 PM said:
I want the limited edition set that comes with a piece of the wrecked Enzo Ferrari :P
Then I want the limited, limited edition that comes with an ammo clip and an invisible german named Hanz.

I think the Gizmondo was conceived and manufactured in bizarro world.
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FluffyPanda posted on Apr 5 2006 at 06:08 AM said:
DaveC posted on Apr 4 2006 at 05:48 PM said:
I want the limited edition set that comes with a piece of the wrecked Enzo Ferrari :P
Then I want the limited, limited edition that comes with an ammo clip and an invisible german named Hanz.

I think the Gizmondo was conceived and manufactured in bizarro world.
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craigix posted on Apr 4 2006 at 12:35 AM said:
Dunno if anyone else saw it but the mail on sunday had a huge article on the scandal of Gizmondo (4 pages). Had all the details mafia, the cars, the vanishing money, the massive losses. Really funny read.

Will scan in if i can find my scanner.
It's available online here:
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nickspoon posted on Apr 11 2006 at 12:01 PM said:
Do I laugh at him because he crashed, or do I laugh at him because he let a German that doesn't exist drive his car?
That's right kids, always check that your german friend actually exists before lending him your car. A high blood alcohol level and an impending police interrogation can apparantly cause "immaginary german companion syndrome"
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Angel posted on Apr 11 2006 at 01:25 PM said:
wow. I posted this early yesterday and got 2 replies, but when Craig posts it he gets 14. I see who you people love :P :P :P :P :P :P :P not that i care *runs off and cries*
Er... according to the forum, craigix posted his topic on the 4th of April. I came back from holiday yesterday and read it whilst catching up on the news, not having seen your later topic.

Dry your eyes, Angel :)
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i see that now, must've been dropped off the first page thats why i didn't see it. I wouldn't have posted my topic if i had seen this one. Oh well. I'm still getting caught up reading some posts i missed being away all last week.
Gizmondo spent and spent. It bought a modelling agency, ISIS. 'No one was ever sure why, except it allowed the directors to hang around with some beautiful people,' said a former Gizmondo employee.
About 5 years ago Isis had some kind of connection with a financial company (think they might have shared a director) that went bust overnight after some very dodgy dealings and 'misplaced' about 15 million quid (rumour is it had something to do with the ukranian mafia or something like that). I suppose it could be a coincidence, but to have close links with two companies that have gone bust in dodgy circumstances in less than 5 years seems a bit strange to me.
This made me laugh.
The wonderland world of Gizmondo contained Maybach limousines, racehorses, models, garages of Ferraris, pop stars, jaw-dropping executive pay packets and perks, shockingly embarrassing business failings and one of the most laughable products ever to have been launched into the technology market.