A Question About Framerates


Still Fresh
Nov 15, 2005
First off I apologise if this has been asked a thousand times before but I saw nothing in the FAQ section...

Anyway, I am thinking of buying a GP2X after playing SNES games on my gf's Zaurus PDA. That thing gets about 80% speed but I am wondering how the GP2X stacks up in terms of framerates.
Basically I am want to know what kind of framerates people are getting with NES, SNES and NeoGeo emus. Furthermore, am I correct in thinking that the Megadrive emu is full speed?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated and may well tip me into buying myself a GP2X
Bakuhatsu posted on Mar 31 2006 at 08:25 PM said:
First off I apologise if this has been asked a thousand times before but I saw nothing in the FAQ section...

Anyway, I am thinking of buying a GP2X after playing SNES games on my gf's Zaurus PDA. That thing gets about 80% speed but I am wondering how the GP2X stacks up in terms of framerates.
Basically I am want to know what kind of framerates people are getting with NES, SNES and NeoGeo emus. Furthermore, am I correct in thinking that the Megadrive emu is full speed?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated and may well tip me into buying myself a GP2X

snes is pretty much sound w/ fullspeed since you can achieve it with fs1. Allthough some games arent.. Like mario kart ^^

Genesis doesthe same thing for fullspeed but you can get 60fps if you want by overclocking o.O

FishNes is near, if not fullspeed without Frameskipping last time i played it
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Megadrive is very nearly perfect.

SNES is already extremely playable, I'd say it feels like full speed for most games at fs2, but the framerate tends to be around 35 for me without overclocking using 0.34 of SquidgeSNES.

There's a couple of great devs working on SNES, so I think you can expect to see something pretty special eventually. There's already a few faster versions out but they are still having compatability problems so I haven't got aroung to trying them yet.

NeoGeo I've only played with a bit, but it looks very good indeed.
Thanks for the swift replies! a purchase is definitely looking likely now! :)
I was told that I should buy a PSP rather than a GP2X due to better framerates, but other than emulation it has nothing that really interets me. Then there is also the issue of PSP firmware (here in Japan fw updates are applied to all secondhand machines).

Its probably a long shot, but do any of the SNES emus offer C4 chip emulation yet? I'm a fiend for Mega Man X2 you see...
FluffyPanda posted on Mar 31 2006 at 08:42 PM said:
NeoGeo I've only played with a bit, but it looks very good indeed.

NeoGeo is -
80% without sound, no overclocking.
100% without sound, overclocking.
70% with sound, no overclocking.
85% with sound, overclocking.

These benchmarks are based on Metal Slug X - probably the most demanding game of them all. Games like Fatal Fury run perfectly fine with sound, no overclocking - because of the complexity of the on-screen visuals.
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garteth posted on Apr 1 2006 at 04:46 AM said:
I found metal slug very playable when overclocking and lowering the sound bit rate.

I can run Metal Slug at 100% speed most of the time at 300 MHz, with 22050hz audio. Granted, there is lag, but it's important to note that NeoGeo games lag on the true hardware. You can tell emulated machine lag by the 'bullet time' effect, things get slow but stay very smooth, meaning near-60 FPS is still being drawn .. choppy animation means the ARM920T is lagging and the system is not being emulated with the full 60 FPS anymore. If you were to raise the emulated 68000 clockrate you'd actually see less of the 'bullet time' lag but you'd significantly increase the load on the ARM920T.
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techFreak posted on Apr 1 2006 at 06:55 PM said:
Except PSX and GBA emulators, all emulators' performans are quite satisfactory.

And except for UAE4All, it's quite slow.
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About FishyNes, it seems really slow compared to nknes, but that could be throttling.
Is FishyNES (and real NES) 50fps?

I'd got used to the faster speeds, especially in slower paced games like FF.
Bakuhatsu posted on Apr 3 2006 at 06:28 PM said:
Thanks again for all the replies...I'm itching closer to buying one, but I'm still debating it due to being a poor exchange student.

Are the emu speeds in this video to be believed?

Yes, they are.

Well, SNES currently works better on the PSP (well, framewise. The screen of the PSP isn't good for SNES emulation - it needs to scale and it has some ugly ghostly blurs).
Though I really hate the firmware issues of the PSP...

But as said, I'd expect a near-perfect SNES emulator sometimes.

Neo-Geo, C64, Genesis, etc. emulators work perfectly.
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Bakuhatsu posted on Apr 3 2006 at 11:28 AM said:
Thanks again for all the replies...I'm itching closer to buying one, but I'm still debating it due to being a poor exchange student.

Are the emu speeds in this video to be believed?

They are, there's no foolery going on in that video. But the emulators are almost definitely running without sound, the video is dubbed over. Most emulators run at or near full speed with sound on almost all games, though. The exception being emulators that didn't run at full speed WITHOUT, like PS1 and reportedly, Amiga.
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Aninhumer posted on Apr 3 2006 at 12:08 PM said:
About FishyNes, it seems really slow compared to nknes, but that could be throttling.
Is FishyNES (and real NES) 50fps?

I'd got used to the faster speeds, especially in slower paced games like FF.

FishyNES is a newer project, since nkNes was apparently abandoned. Fishy's doing a helluva job on it to, so if it's a bit slow, it will speed up. :)
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It really needs a 6502 ARM ASM core to run at decent speeds, it's a good emulator but it's piteously slow due to the C core right now. When you need to overclock an ARM9 to >260 MHz to achieve 60 FPS on a 1.79 MHz emulated 8-bit processor based system, when a system based on a much beefier 16-bit 68000 at 7.6 MHz (MegaDrive/Genesis) or even a 12 MHz one (NeoGeo) runs at full speed at lower clockrates-- something is amiss. :) But once that shortcoming is fixed, it will be a very formidable emulator indeed. I do like its sound output a lot, and that's something I am very finicky about, so if it doesn't bother ME, a picky bastard, it's doing a damn good job.
Epicenter posted on Apr 4 2006 at 03:35 AM said:
It really needs a 6502 ARM ASM core to run at decent speeds, it's a good emulator but it's piteously slow due to the C core right now. When you need to overclock an ARM9 to >260 MHz to achieve 60 FPS on a 1.79 MHz emulated 8-bit processor based system, when a system based on a much beefier 16-bit 68000 at 7.6 MHz (MegaDrive/Genesis) or even a 12 MHz one (NeoGeo) runs at full speed at lower clockrates-- something is amiss. :) But once that shortcoming is fixed, it will be a very formidable emulator indeed. I do like its sound output a lot, and that's something I am very finicky about, so if it doesn't bother ME, a picky bastard, it's doing a damn good job.

I'm sure he'll get there eventually. :)

To this day, I still dunno how the hell they manage to even learn how to emulator stuff, so I just throw money at them and hope one of them needs an apprentice. :)
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Epicenter posted on Apr 4 2006 at 09:35 AM said:
It really needs a 6502 ARM ASM core to run at decent speeds, it's a good emulator but it's piteously slow due to the C core right now.
fishybawb posted on Mar 30 2006 at 10:24 AM said:
NK's emu uses the ASM 6502 core from Little John, as does fishyNES. LJ also uses ASM for the tile rendering IIRC, so that might be something to take a look at.
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