
For the record, goity said:

Fuck black people, with their pointy shoes and small cars

Dude, he was talking about fucking clowns, it was a joke.
Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was in a hurry and just read it quick without much thought. :unsure:

... great example (unintentional as it was) of PC hysteria, eh? ;)
Why does this topic keep coming up? The last time was in response to the mascots.

*WE* know that being overly pc is wrong

The people who promote it are those pinko-liberals in middle-management who need to keep handing out stupid guidelines to justify their stupid wages in the name of equality.

Or worse - people who think that those that might be offended aren't able to speak up for themselves, and are often proved wrong.

Seems to me that equality is a two-way street and I should be allowed my own opinions, and the right of free speech to express them.
If someone takes offence they are welcome to discuss their case.
TelcoLou posted on Mar 8 2006 at 02:36 AM said:
Rico posted on Mar 7 2006 at 07:20 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Mar 7 2006 at 09:13 PM said:
And while I'm at it, I hate all you niggas!
Somebody asked me to ban you for this comment :P

I saw that :lol: Likely it was a nigga :o
Stop saying Black in latin!

ego requiro vos totus narro plene usura latin vel plene usura english!
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nigga isnt latin its just a slang way of saying nigger meaning "of nigerian origin" or in my town its more commonly known as "go back home"

this also applies for people from pakistan (even my local shopkeeper) and all the kosovans on my bus to work :angry:

note you can call me rascist all you want (i am its true every1 is they just dont know it) but in my town thee is a group of africans going around grabbing random girls of the street (from age 12 and upwards it seems) and raping them in there cars. now i belive that gives us the right to be a little xenophobic.
But that's like saying that Fred and Rose West were white, which obviously means that every white person goes around chopping up people and shit.
clarky2o2o posted on Mar 12 2006 at 02:05 PM said:
nigga isnt latin its just a slang way of saying nigger meaning "of nigerian origin" or in my town its more commonly known as "go back home"

this also applies for people from pakistan (even my local shopkeeper) and all the kosovans on my bus to work :angry:

note you can call me rascist all you want (i am its true every1 is they just dont know it) but in my town thee is a group of africans going around grabbing random girls of the street (from age 12 and upwards it seems) and raping them in there cars. now i belive that gives us the right to be a little xenophobic.
Well actually its derived from the word niger meaning black in latin
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clarky2o2o posted on Mar 12 2006 at 01:05 PM said:
note you can call me rascist all you want (i am its true every1 is they just dont know it) but in my town thee is a group of africans going around grabbing random girls of the street (from age 12 and upwards it seems) and raping them in there cars. now i belive that gives us the right to be a little xenophobic.
hahaha you're a fucking idiot
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Rico posted on Mar 12 2006 at 10:21 AM said:
clarky2o2o posted on Mar 12 2006 at 01:05 PM said:
note you can call me rascist all you want (i am its true every1 is they just dont know it) but in my town thee is a group of africans going around grabbing random girls of the street (from age 12 and upwards it seems) and raping them in there cars. now i belive that gives us the right to be a little xenophobic.
hahaha you're a fucking idiot
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iignotus posted on Mar 12 2006 at 09:02 PM said:
Goity posted on Mar 12 2006 at 03:13 PM said:
I hate black people because one of them murdered someone once.
True story. I know, it's hard to believe :P.
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I would replace it with something equally witty but i dont know what a dame is

and dont bothertelling me 2 u look it up. cnt b assed