Shameless Advertising: 2gb Sd (usa)

Hehe, although. In a tournament of Online Gaming a big Multigaming Clan called Check6 was forced to have Newegg's URL ( in their nicknames ingame ^^

check6' nick


(of course this was in a sake of sponsoring, but i would call it advertising)
NuggaN posted on Feb 17 2006 at 12:11 PM said:
Hehe, although. In a tournament of Online Gaming a big Multigaming Clan called Check6 was forced to have Newegg's URL ( in their nicknames ingame ^^

check6' nick


(of course this was in a sake of sponsoring, but i would call it advertising)

Meant PAID advertising, sorry. NewEgg basically works in a cult-like following...
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Newegg dose place ads in some magazines. Maximum PC for one. That's how I found out about them. :)