"Most Powerful Handheld Games Console"


Still Fresh
Aug 11, 2003
Most Powerful Handheld Games Console
Nintendo's Gameboy AdvanceSP is powered by a 32-bit ARM chip with embedded memory. It has a 40.8 x 61.2 mm colour screen with a resolution of 240 x 160 pixels. Games are run from cartridges. "My favorite's Pokemon Sapphire," says 9-year-old Gameboy fan Max Laker. "The Gameboy AdvanceSP is fabulous. It's pocketsized, so I can take it anywhere. And the screen's backlit, so it's easy to see."
The console measures just 82 x 144.5 x 24.5 mm and weighs just 140 g. It can be connected to three other Gameboy Advances for multiplay and is also designed to be used as a control pad for the Nintendo GameCube.


isn't the gp32 a little bit more powerful then that :angry:
I can't find any way to contact them, their "CONTACT US" page says: This section is NOT for record related questions!

and I don't think they have a page about wrong records or something...
Heh, that is pretty bullshit, but not surprising.

Anyone willing to start up a petition to change it? It would be some nice publicity for the GP32.

Itll be a while till the helix and psp are out, and the n-gage is actually slower than the gp32, so that wont be a problem.
Well now you can say that your GP32 is even way more powerful than the most powerful handheld in the Guinness Book of World Records. It is kind of stupid though, I wonder how many other things have gone unchanged in that book.
I say we ALL email them, and correct their error. No matter what they say. Or enter it as a new world record.
Mofokubik posted on Aug 30 2003 said:
Well now you can say that your GP32 is even way more powerful than the most powerful handheld in the Guinness Book of World Records.
No, since the Guniss Book Of World records is SUPPOSED to be accurate, the GP32 must come from space!! Now we know why gamepark takes a long time to respond to e-mails, they are a few light-weeks away from us :P
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book of records rubbish they say that the gba sp was released in 2001 when that was the original gba's release they shouldnt put crap like that on the site when they cant even get little facts right

and its actually frontlit not backlit